COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

The Last One

Charlotte Curtis
April 8, 2024

Where we left off

  • Copying objects
  • Copy constructors
  • Overloading the assignment operator
  • Some concept-level stuff about inheritance

Textbook Section 11.4

int main() {
    SomeDynamicClass a("Foo");
    SomeDynamicClass b = a;
    return 0;
$ free(): double free detected in tcache 2

Today's topics

  • Final exam info
  • Practice on paper

Textbook Sections: All of them? Or none, I guess

Final exam info

  • Similar format to midterm, but longer
    • Multiple choice
    • Short answer
    • Code tracing/debugging
    • Code writing
  • You have a 3 hour time slot, I'm aiming for ~2 hours
  • Calculators are allowed, but no other resources

Final Exam Topics

  • Everything we've covered in class, but emphasis on post-midterm
  • What do you think are the key topics?
    • Emphasis on assignments
    • Anything with a lab is fair game
  • What are some study resources?

My advice: practice! Go over labs, assignments, try doing things on paper

Paper Practice

  • Writing code on paper is always a challenge!
  • I've included three problems: tracing, writing, and error spotting
  • Feel free to discuss, but try to avoid looking up solutions - the point is to practice for the exam
  • I'll go over my solutions at the end

Coming up next

  • Final exam! Worth 38% of your grade

And that's about it!