COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Copying Objects

And a bit of inheritance

Charlotte Curtis
April 3, 2024

Where we left off

  • Thinking recursively
  • Recursion with linked lists
  • Tail recursion
  • Some more examples with recursion

Textbook Chapter 14

void hanoi(int n, int src, 
           int dest, int spare) {
    if (n == 1) {
        cout << "Move disk from " << src 
             << " to " << dest << endl;
    } else {
        hanoi(n-1, src, spare, dest);
        hanoi(1, src, dest, spare);
        hanoi(n-1, spare, dest, src);

Today's topics

  • Back to classes! Last day of new stuff
  • Copying objects
  • Copy constructors
  • Overloading the assignment operator
  • Touch on inheritance, if we have time

Textbook Section 11.4

Copying objects

  • In assignment 4, you can treat a Team just like a built-in type
  • This means you can do things like:
    Team t1;
    source >> t1;
    Team t2 = t1;
  • Or have a function that returns a copy of an Team:
    Team copy_of_first() {
        return head->team;
  • But what does it mean to copy an object?

Default copying

  • Copying occurs whenever you:
    1. Assign an object to another instance
    2. Pass an object to a function by value
    3. Return an object from a function by value
    4. Initialize an object with another instance
  • With the exception of case i, these all involve creating a new object (we'll come back to case i later)
  • C++ provides a default copy constructor to handle this

Case iv: Initializing an object

  • With primitives, it makes sense to do the following:
    int x = 5; // allocate an int with value 5
    int y = x; // allocate another int with value 5
  • This works for objects too:
    Team t1; // allocate an Team with default values
    Team t2 = t1; // allocate another Team with the same values
  • The compiler will use the copy constructor to initialize t2, equivalent to:
    Team t2(t1); // instantiate an Team with the same values as t1
  • Just like the default constructor, a default copy constructor is provided

Default copy constructor

  • The default copy constructor does a shallow copy, where the value of each member variable is copied

  • If the member is a statically allocated array, the array is copied element by element (the behaviour described way back in lecture 10)

  • Let's draw a diagram of the following copy operations:

    struct Foo {
        int var1;
        double var2;
        char var3[4];
    Foo f1 = {1, 2, "hi"};
    Foo f2 = f1;

Copying pointer members

What if the member variable is a pointer, such as the head of a linked list?

class StringStack {
    struct Node {
        std::string data;
        Node *next;
    Node *head;
  • Just like other data types, the value of the pointer is copied
  • This means that the copy will point to the same Node as the original
  • What if we pass StringStack objects by value?

Passing objects by value

  • Recall: passing an object by value creates a local copy in the function
  • When the function finishes, the local copy is destroyed
    void addstuff(StringStack s, std::string stuff) {
  • Let's trace what happens when we call addstuff with a StringStack

Main takeaway: shallow copy is not enough for dynamically allocated data

Overriding the default copy constructor

  • To enable a deep copy, we need to override the default copy constructor
    • Overload: same function name, different signature
    • Override: same function name, same signature, replaces previous
  • The copy constructor has one parameter: a reference to another instance
    class StringStack {
        StringStack(); // parameterless constructor
        ~StringStack(); // destructor
        StringStack(const StringStack &other); // copy constructor

Why does the parameter need to be a reference?

Implementing the copy constructor

  • The copy constructor is just like any other function, BUT:
    • it cannot call any methods that take or return an object by value
    • This includes the assignment operator for the class
  • Since the copy constructor is called automatically in these scenarios, we would end up with infinite recursion
  • The copy constructor must be written from scratch

A copy constructor for StringStack

StringStack::StringStack(const StringStack &other) {
    head = NULL;

    // copy the contents of other
    Node *curr = other.head;
    while (curr) {
        curr = curr->next;

Note: we can call push because it doesn't copy a StringStack

Overriding the assignment operator

  • Remember the 4 cases where copying occurs?
  • Case i is assignment:
    StringStack s1;
    StringStack s2;
    s1 = s2; // not the same as all in one line!
  • The copy constructor is not called because s2 already exists
  • Anyone using this class would expect the assignment operator to behave like the copy constructor (i.e. deep copy)
  • Good thing we know how to override operators

Overriding the assignment operator

  • Almost the same as the copy constructor, but:
    • any existing data in the object must be destroyed first
    • the return type must be a reference to the object
  • The reference requirement is to allow for assignment chaining:
    int x, y, z;
    x = y = z = 5; // this is legal!
  • Finally, we need to consider the possible (legal, but weird) case:
    StringStack s1;
    ... // do stuff with s1
    s1 = s1; // self-assignment

Implementing the assignment operator

StringStack& StringStack::operator = (const StringStack &other) {
    if (this == &other) // check for self-assignment
        return *this;

    while (!empty()) // destroy existing data

    Node *curr = other.head; // copy the contents of other
    while (curr) {
        curr = curr->next;

    return *this;

Side tangent: avoiding code duplication

  • The copy constructor and assignment operator are very similar
  • It can be tempting to just call one from the other, i.e.:
    StringStack::StringStack(const StringStack &other) {
        *this = other;
  • This is a bad idea because = only works on existing objects
  • Instead, we can extract the common code into a private helper function and call it from both, e.g. void copy_elements(const StringStack &other);

The Rule of Three or "The Big Three"

Classes with dynamically allocated data should always have:

  1. A destructor to free the memory
  2. A copy constructor to make a deep copy
  3. An assignment operator to make a deep copy

If you need to write one of these, you probably need to write all three. That said, copy constructors and assignment operators are not required for assignment 4.

emoji Copying check-in 1/2

Which of the following is not a case where the copy constructor is called?

  1. Passing an object to a function by value
  2. Returning an object from a function by value
  3. Initializing an object with another instance
  4. Allocating an object dynamically with new
  5. None of the above, they all call the copy constructor

emoji Copying check-in 2/2

When dealing with classes with dynamically allocated members, the default copy constructor might:

  1. Cause a dangling pointer to be created
  2. Cause a memory leak to occur
  3. Cause a segmentation fault to occur
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

A (very brief) intro to Inheritance

  • Classes are a great way to provide abstraction and encapsulation
  • But there's a lot of repetition in the code we write
  • Inheritance allows us to reuse code from other (similar) classes


AKA creating a new class from an existing one

  • Inheritance is an "is-a" relationship
    • A Duck is an Animal
    • A Cat is an Animal
    • A Lion is a Cat
  • The new class is called a subclass, derived class, or child class
  • The existing class is called a superclass, base class, or parent class
  • The derived class inherits all the members of the base class

What gets inherited?

  • The derived class gets all the members of the base class except the constructor, destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator
    • A Cat has private members age_years, name, and gender
    • A Lion can stalk() and pounce(), but also roar()
  • All Animals can speak(), but what does that mean?
  • A derived class can override a member of the base class
    • We can redefine Cat::speak() to make it more specific

private members are still private

  • Derived classes inherit all members of the base class; a cat has a name
  • However, this throws a compiler error!
    std::string Cat::speak() {
        return name + " says meow";
  • The private members of the base class are not accessible
  • This is to prevent breaking encapsulation - if this were allowed, someone else could inherit your class and start messing with the private members

Inheritance: main takeaway

  • There is a whole lot more nuance to inheritance and no more time in this class
  • There won't be more on the final than maybe a multiple choice question about "what is inheritance" or "why is inheritance useful"
  • Inheritance allows us to extend the functionality of a class without having to rewrite all the code
  • Next semester you'll be working in Java, which is completely object-oriented and uses inheritance extensively (but some nuance is different from C++)

Coming up next

  • Assignment 4 🎉 is due on Monday!
  • Lab tomorrow: copying
  • Last lecture: exam discussion, practice coding on paper, spotting errors, drawing memory diagrams, and any other topics of interest

And that's all for new content!