COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

ADT Case Study

Charlotte Curtis
March 25, 2024

Where we left off

  • const correctness with classes
  • Constructors and destructors
  • Function and operator overloading

Textbook Sections 10.2, 11.2

class Time {
    Time(int h, int m, int s);

    void write(std::ostream &out) const;
    void increment();
    bool operator<(const Time &t) const;
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;

    int compare(const Time &t) const;

Today's topics

  • More overloading: stream operators
  • A common abstract data type: stacks

Textbook Sections 11.2, 13.2

Rules of operator overloading

  • Built-in operators cannot be redefined
    • e.g. can't redefine . or ::
  • Only existing operators can be overloaded
    • e.g. can't define an @ operator
  • Precedence and associativity are the same as for the built-in operators
    • e.g. + has higher precedence than ==
  • Cannot change the number of arguments that an operator takes
    • e.g. + can't be redefined to take 3 arguments

Conventions of operator overloading

In general, the purpose of operator overloading is to make code more readable

  • Keep the semantics of the operator the same
    • Don't redefine + to mean subtraction!
  • Provide the operator only if its meaning is obvious
    • Time + Time is obvious, but what about Time * Time?
  • If one operator is overloaded, all related operators should be overloaded
    • if you overload <, you should also overload >, <=, >=, and ==
    • If you overload +, you should probably also provide -, +=, and -=

Overloading thus far

  • We can overload functions (like constructors)
    bool is_yummy(const char *food);
    bool is_yummy(const std::string &food);
  • We can overload binary operators (like == or [])
    bool operator[](int i) const; // access element i in a list-type ADT
  • We haven't yet done stream operators (<< and >>)
  • We also skipped over unary operators (++ and !)

Member vs non-member overloading

  • While I've introduced overloading operators in the context of classes, this is not necessary - operators can be overloaded as non-member functions
  • For example, we could have defined operator== as a non-member function:
    bool operator==(const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs) {
        return (lhs.hours == rhs.hours 
                && lhs.minutes == rhs.minutes 
                && lhs.seconds == rhs.seconds);
  • However, we made the member variables private, so this doesn't work
  • Also keep in mind, member functions pass the left-hand side as this

Overloading stream operators

  • Taking a look at the documentation for operator<<, you can see that it's an overloaded member function of std::ostream
  • It's also clear when you use it that the left-hand side is the stream, and the right-hand side is the thing you're printing
    cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
  • This is a problem! We can't overload operator<< in the Time class
  • It needs to be a non-member function that takes a std::ostream as the LHS
  • That's a problem too though - we can't access the private member variables

Possible solution: friend functions

  • We can make the operator overload a friend of the Time class
  • friend functions are declared as part of the class declaration (usually the public section), but they are not member functions
  • To quote the textbook: "Friends can access private members"

Note: this is somewhat contentious, as friends kind of break encapsulation. Can you think of a way to implement this without friend?

Overloading stream operators

  • friend function declaration:
    class Time {
        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Time &t);
    ... etc
  • The implementation doesn't use the keyword friend, but it can magically access the private members::
    std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Time &t) {
        out << t.hours << ':' << t.minutes << ':' << t.seconds;
        return out;

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The primary purpose of operator overloading is to:

  1. Improve memory efficiency
  2. Improve performance
  3. Improve readability
  4. Make classes easier to write
  5. Encapsulation

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The << operator can't be overloaded as a member function because:

  1. The left-hand side is a std::ostream
  2. It's a binary operator
  3. It needs to be a const function
  4. It needs to be public
  5. It wants to have a friend

A common ADT: Stacks

  • What makes a class an abstract data type?
    • It has a valid domain (set of values)
    • It has operations that can be performed on it
    • It hides the implementation details
  • Our Time class is a (simple) ADT, but it's pretty boring
  • Let's look at a more interesting one: stacks


  • Just like it sounds, a stack is a data storage structure that lets you:
    • put stuff on the top of the stack
    • take stuff off the top of the stack
  • This is called LIFO (last in, first out)
  • In computer science, stacks are used for:
    • the function call stack, aka "the stack"
    • undo operations in most programs
    • bash command history (up arrow)
    • The "back" button in your browser

Specifying the ADT

  • We need to specify the domain and operations for our stack ADT
  • Domain:
    • a homogenous base type, like int or std::string
    • grows and shrinks dynamically, some reasonable max capacity
  • Operations:
    • create an empty stack
    • check if the stack is empty/full (empty/full)
    • add/remove an element to the "top" of the stack (push/pop)
    • Look at the top element without removing (peek)

Sample interface

class StringStack {
    StringStack(int capacity);

    bool empty() const;
    bool full() const;
    void push(const std::string &s);
    std::string pop();
    std::string peek() const;

Sample usage

Let's implement browser history using our stack ADT:

StringStack history(10); // max 10 pages

// go back to the previous page

// hover over the back button
if (history.empty())
    show_message("First page, can't go back\n");
    show_message("Click to go back to: " + history.peek());

StringStack implementation V1

  • Based on its usage and public interface, how is StringStack implemented?
  • Option 1: Arrays
    class StringStack {
        int capacity;
        std::string *stack;
  • Problem: remember how arrays need shifting to add to the "head"?
  • Solution: who cares which end is the head!

Complete private section for V1

class StringStack {
    int capacity;
    std::string *stack; // pointer to the array
    int top; // index of the top element
  • top is the index of the top element
  • What should top be if the stack is empty?

StringStack implementation V2

  • Adding/removing elements at the head is easy for linked lists
  • Option 2: Linked list
    class StringStack {
        struct Node {
            std::string data;
            Node *next;
        Node *head; // pointer to the head node
  • Problem: there's no inherent capacity for a linked list
  • Solution: add a counter to keep track of number of elements

Complete private section for V2

class StringStack {
    struct Node {
        std::string data;
        Node *next;
    Node *head; // pointer to the head node
    int capacity;
    int size; // number of elements in the stack
  • The Node struct is private because it's an implementation detail


Note: using namespace std; shouldn't go in the header file, but it's okay in .cpp

// Array version (V1)
StringStack::StringStack(int capacity) {
    string *stack = new string[capacity];
    this->capacity = capacity;
    top = -1;

StringStack::~StringStack() {
    delete[] stack;
// Linked list version (V2)
StringStack::StringStack(int capacity) {
    head = NULL;
    this->capacity = capacity;
    size = 0;

StringStack::~StringStack() {
    Node *curr = head;
    while (curr) {
        Node *next = curr->next;
        delete curr;
        curr = next;

empty, full, and peek

// Array version (V1)
bool StringStack::empty() const {
    return top == -1;

bool StringStack::full() const {
    return top == capacity - 1;

std::string StringStack::peek() const {
    if (empty())
        return "";
    return stack[top];
// Linked list version (V2)
bool StringStack::empty() const {
    return size == 0;

bool StringStack::full() const {
    return size == capacity;

std::string StringStack::peek() const {
    if (empty())
        return "";
    return head->data;

push and pop

// Array version (V1)
void StringStack::push(const std::string &s) {
    if (full())
    stack[++top] = s;

std::string StringStack::pop() {
    if (empty())
        return "";
    return stack[top--];
// Linked list version (V2)
void StringStack::push(const std::string &s) {
    if (full())
    Node *new_node = new Node;
    new_node->data = s;
    new_node->next = head;
    head = new_node;

std::string StringStack::pop() {
    if (empty())
        return "";
    std::string data = head->data;
    Node *next = head->next;
    delete head;
    head = next;
    return data;


  • The linked list implementation is more complex, but with one big advantage: no max capacity
  • In fact, keeping track of the size adds to the complexity
  • The array implementation could dynamically resize whenever you try to push to a full stack, but this is also introducing complexity
  • Which one is better? Depends on your use case!

Coming up Next

  • Assignment 4 🎉 - refactoring Assignment 3 to use an ADT
  • Lab Exercise: Designing an ADT
  • Next lecture: Something totally different: recursion!

Textbook Chapter 14

## Overloading Unary Operators Unary operators take only one argument, like `++` or `!` * For the `Time` class, `!` doesn't make sense, but `++` does * Side note: `++` can be either **prefix** or **postfix**: ```cpp int i = 0; ++i; // prefix i++; // postfix ``` * `i++ * 2` is the same as `i * 2; i = i + 1;` * `++i * 2` is the same as `i = i + 1; i * 2;` * The prefix form is a bit easier to implement, so we'll do that <footer>The <a href="">C++ Core Guidelines</a> recommend preferring the prefix form for user-defined types</footer> ## Overloading `++` * You might think that it should be defined as: ```cpp void operator ++ (); ``` * But that's not quite right - it should return a `Time` reference: ```cpp Time &operator ++ (); ``` * Otherwise you'd end up with an error if you tried to do `++i * 2` * The implementation is straightforward thanks to our `increment` method: ```cpp Time &Time::operator ++ () { increment(); return *this; // dereference the pointer to itself } ``` ## Overloading Unary Operators Unary operators take only one argument, like `++` or `!` * For the `Time` class, `!` doesn't make sense, but `++` does * Side note: `++` can be either **prefix** or **postfix**: ```cpp int i = 0; ++i; // prefix i++; // postfix ``` * `i++ * 2` is the same as `i * 2; i = i + 1;` * `++i * 2` is the same as `i = i + 1; i * 2;` * The prefix form is a bit easier to implement, so we'll do that <footer>The <a href="">C++ Core Guidelines</a> recommend preferring the prefix form for user-defined types</footer> ## Overloading `++` * You might think that it should be defined as: ```cpp void operator ++ (); ``` * But that's not quite right - it should return a `Time` reference: ```cpp Time &operator ++ (); ``` * Otherwise you'd end up with an error if you tried to do `++i * 2` * The implementation is straightforward thanks to our `increment` method: ```cpp Time &Time::operator ++ () { increment(); return *this; // dereference the pointer to itself } ```

## Overloading stream operators: V1 * One way of solving this is to keep the public `write` method and call it from the non-member operator overload function: ```cpp std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Time &t) { t.write(out); return out; } ``` * We also need to return the stream reference in order to chain `<<` calls * This declaration and implementation are placed **outside** the `Time` class * There is another option if you don't want a public `write` method...