COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Intro to Classes

Charlotte Curtis
March 18, 2024

Where we left off

  • Various linked list algorithms:
    • Inserting a node
    • Searching for a value
    • Deleting a node
  • Passing linked lists to functions
  • Linked list variations

Textbook Chapter 13

void clear_list(Node *&head) {
    while (head) {
        Node *temp = head;
        head = head->next;
        delete temp;

Today's topics

  • Intro to object oriented programming
  • Abstraction terminology
  • Classes and objects - defining, creating, using

Textbook Sections 10.2-10.3

Object oriented programming

  • So far we've been implementing solutions in a procedural style
  • The object oriented approach is based on the idea that different objects can be interacted with in a different way
    • You can sit on a chair
    • You can draw with a pen
    • You can (probably) pick up a chair and a pen
    • Can you draw with a chair?
  • In the OO approach, we can encapsulate data and functions in a class - an abstract data type that defines how an object can be interacted with


"The act of separating the essential qualities of an idea or object from the details of how it works or is composed" - Nell Dale and Chip Weems

Abstraction in Computer Science

  • A key concept that allows us to build complex systems by:
    • Understanding the overall system without understanding all the details
    • Focus on the parts of the system that are relevant to us
    • Use libraries and APIs without knowing how they've been implemented
  • In general, two types of abstraction:
    • Data abstraction - hiding the details of how data is stored and accessed
    • Procedural abstraction - hiding the details of how a function is implemented

Procedural abstraction

Say I provide a header file and precompiled object file for the following functions:

// Reads a date formatted as year-month-day from source
void read_date(Date &date, std::istream &source);

// Writes the date to the output stream as year-month-day
void write_date(const Date &date, std::ostream &out);
  • How are these functions implemented?
  • Does it matter as long as they work?
  • All the built-in functions we've been using are examples of abstraction!

Data abstraction

  • Just as a function's behaviour can be separated from its implementation, data abstraction separates the properties of a data type from its implementation
  • Essential for the design and planning of custom data types
  • Every data type has two components:
    • Domain - the set of values that the type can take
    • Operations - things that can be done with the type
  • An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type whose properties (domain and operations) are specified independent of the implementation

Example: int

  • The domain of int is the set of all integers
  • Operations:
    • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, %
    • Comparison: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
    • Assignment: =
    • Increment/decrement: ++, --
  • How integers are actually implemented is irrelevant to us!

Note: According to our textbook, built-in types are ADTs

Example: a new list type called IntList

  • Domain, with some arbitrary decisions:
    • Homogenous linear collection of C++ ints
    • Minimum size 0, maximum size 100
    • Access by position starting from 1
  • Operations:
    • insert, delete, retrieve at a specific position
    • search for a value
    • length, sort, print the list

Example: a new list type called IntList

  • If I handed you a .h and .o file implementing IntList, you could use it without knowing how it works
    • Internally, is it a linked list? An array?
    • Is the space allocated on the stack or the heap?
    • Is the length calculated on the fly, or stored in a variable?
  • These are all details that you need to decide when implementing an ADT

To implement an ADT, we need to define a class


  • A class is a blueprint for creating objects, much like how a struct is a blueprint for creating data structures

    struct STime {
        int hours;
        int minutes;
        int seconds
    class CTime {
        int hours;
        int minutes;
        int seconds;
        void write(std::ostream &out);
  • A class is a type of object, just like int or string or Node

  • Member functions are accessed using . or -> just like member variables

In fact, in C++ a struct and a class are almost identical


  • After defining a class (or a struct), we can create objects of that type
  • Also called an instance of the class
  • The syntax differs from a struct a little:
    STime now = {5, 0, 0}; // struct
    CTime bedtime; // class - can't use {} to initialize
    bedtime.hours = 11; // uh oh, this doesn't work either!
  • The main difference between a struct and a class is that the member variables (and functions) of a class are private by default
  • private members can only be accessed by other members of the class

Class definition: general form

class ClassName {
    // Public member functions (maybe some variables)
    // Private member variables and functions
  • The public and private keywords are access modifiers
  • If you don't specify one or the other, private is assumed
  • Good style to have public interface first, then private implementation details

Example: Time class

In general, anything functions that the user of the class needs to access should be public, and anything else should be private - including member variables!

private members

  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds

public members

  • write(std::ostream &out)
  • set(int h, int m, int s)
  • int compare(Time other)
  • void increment()

Side tangent: setters and getters

  • Good practice to encapsulate member variables by making them private
  • But this means we need a way to access them from outside the class
  • Getters and setters are public member functions that allow us to access and modify private member variables
  • This seems like extra work, but it allows us to do things like:
    • Check for valid values
    • Change the implementation of the class without affecting the user

All this being said, the C++ FAQ recommends avoiding trivial getters/setters


Common for a class to have its own header file and implementation file (.cpp)

#ifndef TIME_H
#define TIME_H
class Time {
    void write(std::ostream &out);
    void set(int h, int m, int s);
    int compare(Time other);
    void increment();
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;
#endif // TIME_H

emoji Classes Check-in 1/2

How much memory is allocated when the following code is executed?

  1. 0 bytes
  2. 5 bytes
  3. 8 bytes
  4. 24 bytes
  5. Undefined
class Student {
    void set(int id, const char *name);
    void write(std::ostream &out);
    char name[20];
    int id;

emoji Classes Check-in 2/2

What is the main difference between a struct and a class?

  1. A struct is a type of object, a class is a blueprint for creating objects
  2. structs can have public member variables, classes can't
  3. classes can have functions, structs can't
  4. struct members are public by default, class members are private by default
  5. structs are allocated on the stack, classes are allocated on the heap

Using classes

  • The program using the class is often called the client
  • The client program #includes the header file to use the class
  • Implementation is in the .cpp file - compiled separately
This is the same structure used in assignment 3!

Declaring objects

  • Just like any other variable, we can declare objects of a class type, or pointers to objects of a class type
    // In main.cpp
    Time now; // object on the stack
    Time *later = new Time; // pointer to object on the heap
    now.set(3, 30, 0); // set the time for now
    later->set(5, 0, 0); // set the time for later
  • This isn't going to work just yet, we haven't actually implemented the class!
  • All we've done is describe the class specification or interface

Implementing classes

  • A struct just needs its declaration, but for a class we need to implement its member functions (aka methods)
  • Syntax is a slight modification on the usual function definition:
    // in time.cpp
    ReturnType ClassName::func_name(Parameters) {
        // Function body
  • :: is called the scope resolution operator
  • You've seen this already with std::ostream, std::cout, etc
  • This allows multiple classes to have functions with the same name, like set

Implementing the Time::set function

// in time.cpp
void Time::set(int h, int m, int s) {
    hours = h;
    minutes = m;
    seconds = s;
  • When implementing a member function, you don't need to use the . or -> operators to access member variables
  • If you do need to disambiguate, you can use the this pointer, which is automatically created as a pointer to the current object
    this->hours = h;

Calling member functions

Say we want to find the index position of the word "World" in a string:


hello = "Hello, World!"
pos = hello.find("World")


string hello = "Hello, World!";
int pos = hello.find("World");
  • In both languages, find is a member function of the string class
  • Calling a member function requests that the object perform some function
  • In this case: "Hey, hello! Find the word 'World' and give me the index"

How is find implemented? No idea! Thanks, abstraction.

Calling member functions of our own class

  • Exactly the same:
    // in main.cpp
    Time now;
    now.set(3, 30, 0);
  • The now object is automatically passed to the set function as the this pointer - it's not in the parameter list!
  • If you have a pointer to an object, you can use the -> operator:
    Time *later = new Time;
    later->set(5, 0, 0);
  • Just like structs, this is equivalent to (*later).set(5, 0, 0);

Finishing off the class

  • We have a few more functions to implement:

    • write - write the time to an output stream
    • compare - compare two times
    • increment - increment the time by one second
  • The funkiest one is compare - in addition to the default this parameter, it needs another Time object

Coming up next

  • Lecture: more on classes
  • Assignment 3 🎉 - Due Monday, March 25
  • Lab: Classes and objects

Textbook Sections 10.2-10.3