COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

More Linked Lists

Charlotte Curtis
March 13, 2024

Where we left off

  • Intro to linked list structures
  • Nodes and node pointers
  • Building lists
  • Traversing lists
  • Lists vs Arrays

Textbook Sections 13.1

// Start the list
Node *head = new Node;
head->data = 1;

// Add another element
head->next = new Node;
head->next->data = 2;
head->next->next = NULL;

Today's topics

  • Algorithms for working with linked lists
    • Inserting a node
    • Searching for a value
    • Deleting a node
  • Passing linked lists to functions
  • Linked list variations

Textbook Chapter 13

Traversing a list

In C++ syntax:

Node *current = head;
while (current) { // or while (current != NULL)
    // do something with current->data
    current = current->next;
  • This is a sentinel loop that stops when current is NULL
    • As always, the LCV update must be the last line of the loop body
    • Very important that the last node point to NULL!
  • current does not allocate new memory (other than for the pointer itself)

Passing linked lists to functions

  • Many algorithms, like printing a list, would be most useful as a function

  • What should be passed to the function? By value or by reference?

    • The whole list is attached to the head pointer
    • Does the head need to point somewhere else?
    // by value
    void print(Node *head);
    // by reference
    void insert(Node *&head, int value);
  • If Node *& is confusing, you can use a typedef:

    typedef Node * NodePtr;
    void insert(NodePtr &head, int value);

Linked list + function example

Write a function to calculate and return the length of a linked list.

Inputs: Head pointer (by value or by reference?)

Outputs: Length of list (what datatype?)

Caution: passing by reference vs value

Say we defined an insertion function as:

void insert(Node *head, int value); // pass head by value

When testing with the value 5, this will work!

  • What about 9?
  • What about 12?
  • What about 0?

Pass-by-reference is only needed when head changes, but to keep your function general, you should assume that it might change

Finding the proper position - v1

  • We need to find the node that comes before the insertion point
  • This means that we need to examine the next pointer of each node
    Node *current = head;
    while (current->next && current->next->data < value) {
        current = current->next;
  • Very important to check current->next before accessing current->next->data!
  • What if the list is empty?
  • What if the new node needs to be inserted at the head?

Finding the proper position - v2

  • Alternatively, we could use two pointers traversing in parallel:
    Node *prev = NULL;
    Node *current = head;
    while (current && current->data < value) {
        prev = current;
        current = current->next;
  • Makes handling of special cases easier, but need to keep track of two pointers
  • Which is better? Whichever makes more sense to you!

Special cases

prev current Solution
NULL NULL Insert as first node in empty list
NULL not NULL Insert as first node in non-empty list
not NULL NULL Insert as last node in non-empty list
not NULL not NULL Insert in middle of list

For every linked list operation, think about the special cases!

emoji Linked List check-in 1/2

What am I forgetting in the following code? Assume that a list of Nodes already exists with a pointer to head defined.

  1. head = temp;
  2. delete temp;
  3. temp = NULL;
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->data = 0;
temp->next = head;

emoji Linked List check-in 2/2

What is the following code doing? Again, assume head is defined.

  1. Inserting at the start of the list
  2. Inserting at the end of the list
  3. Inserting in the middle of the list
  4. Finding a node
  5. Deleting a node
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->data = 5;
temp->next = head->next;
head->next = temp;

Deleting a node

  • We need to:
    • Find the node to delete
    • Copy the address of the next node
    • Disconnect the node by changing the next pointer of the previous node
    • Free the memory using delete
  • More traversing!
  • More special cases!

Deleting a node - code example

Node *prev = NULL;
Node *current = head;
// Find the node to delete
while (current && current->data != value) {
    prev = current;
    current = current->next;

prev->next = current->next; // Disconnect the node
delete current; // Free the memory

What special cases do we need to consider?

Special cases for deletion

prev current Solution
NULL NULL Empty list, nothing to delete
NULL not NULL Delete the first node, update head
not NULL NULL End of list, nothing to delete
not NULL not NULL Delete within the list (could be last)

Linked list variations

  • By creating your own data structure, you get to define the rules!
  • Maybe you're doing a lot of adding/deleting at the end of the list, so you might want to keep track of a pointer to the last node (the tail)
  • You might want to keep track of the length of the list or the sort order
  • Once you start getting fancy, you probably want to create a class to encapsulate all of this information - we'll do this next week
  • First though, let's look at doubly linked lists

Doubly linked lists

  • So far we've only been able to travel one direction - the next node has no knowledge of its predecessor
  • Solution: add a prev pointer to each node
      struct Node {
          int data;
          Node *next;
          Node *prev;
  • Advantages: easier to delete nodes, easier to traverse backwards
  • Disadvantages: more memory, more complexity (two pointers to maintain)

Circularly linked lists

  • Instead of the last element pointing to NULL, it points to head
  • There is no real head anymore, but you still need to keep a pointer to somewhere in the list
  • Only really useful when there's no start or end
  • Advantages: easier to traverse, no need to check for NULL
  • Disadvantages: more complexity, usually can't be empty

Lists of lists

  • You can have a linked list of linked lists!
  • Each node in the "outer" list is the head of another list
  • Example: list of courses, each course has a list of students

Cross-linked lists

Expanding on the previous example, consider the situation where:

  • Each student has a list of courses
  • Each class has a list of students
  • Each instructor has a list of courses
struct Student {
    string name;
    int id;
    Course *courses;
struct Course {
    string name;
    int number;
    Student *students;
    Instructor *instructor;
struct Instructor {
    string name;
    Course *courses;

COMP 2631 is all about various information structure

Object oriented programming preview

  • So far we've been implementing solutions in a procedural style
  • The object oriented approach is based on the idea that different objects can be interacted with in a different way
    • You can sit on a chair
    • You can draw with a pen
    • You can (probably) pick up a chair and a pen
    • Can you draw with a chair?
  • In the OO approach, we can encapsulate data and functions in a class - an abstract data type that defines how an object can be interacted with


  • A class is a blueprint for creating objects, much like how a struct is a blueprint for creating data structures

    struct Student {
        string name;
        int id;
    class Student {
        string name;
        int number;
        void print();
  • A class is a type of object, just like int or string or Node

  • Member functions are accessed using . or -> just like member variables

In fact, in C++ a struct and a class are almost identical

Coming up next

  • Tutorial: Linked lists
  • Assignment 3 🎉 Linked lists
  • Next week: Classes and objects

Textbook Chapter 10.2-10.3