COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Linked lists

Charlotte Curtis
March 11, 2024

Where we left off

  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Assignment 2
  • Midterm

Textbook Section 9.2

Time *t = new Time;
t->hour = 5;
delete t;

Today's topics

  • Intro to linked list structures
  • Nodes and node pointers
  • Building linked lists
  • Traversing linked lists
  • Linked Lists vs Arrays

Textbook Sections 13.1

Another list structure? Why?

  • Arrays, even dynamically allocated, are a fixed size and order
    int *arr = new int[10];
  • Growing or shrinking an array is painful
    int *new_arr = new int[20]; // allocate a new bigger array
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // copy the old array into the new one
        new_arr[i] = arr[i];
    delete [] arr; // free the memory at the old array
    arr = new_arr; // point the original memory to the new array
    new_arr = NULL; // good practice to reset the temporary pointer
  • This is expensive, particularly with an array of structs

Linked lists overview

  • Instead of allocating a whole array, why not string together a bunch of pointers?
  • A linked list is a data structure where each element contains a value (or multiple values), as well as a pointer to the next item in the list
  • The memory addresses of each item are random, and that's okay!
  • To accomplish this, we need a struct that contains a value and a pointer to the next item in the list
    struct Node {
        <data type> data;
        Node *next;

That Node structure looks funky

  • Node is a struct with a field that's a pointer to another Node
  • This is a self-referential structure. The name Node is common for linked lists, but we could have named it anything, for example:
    struct Person {
        string name;
        Person *spouse;
  • Why is spouse a pointer instead of just a Person?

Yes, that's a std::string - you can use them in assignment 3!

Pointers so far

So far we've learned how to:

  • Allocate memory on the stack by declaring variables
  • Allocate memory on the heap by using new
  • Define pointers to named memory addresses (on the stack)
  • Define pointers to unnamed memory addresses (on the heap)

Problem: we still don't get "unlimited" memory because we need to associate a named variable with each memory address

Linked Lists

  • We only need to declare one variable to get started
    Node *head = NULL;
  • We then use the self-referential pointer to link to the next chunk of data
    head = new Node;
    head->data = 5;
    head->next = NULL;
  • We can add or remove items from the list dynamically, and only need to keep track of the head pointer

Concept demo time

Starting a linked list

  • For this simple Node struct (which only holds an int):
    struct Node {
        int data;
        Node *next;
  • We start with the head pointer:
    Node *head = NULL;
  • This is an empty list
  • All we've done so far is allocate space for a pointer to a Node
  • Don't lose track of the head pointer!

Building the list

  • Unlike arrays, list nodes need to be allocated one at a time
    head = new Node; // allocate a new node on the heap
    head->data = 7; // assign its value
    head->next = NULL; // point to the next one in the list
  • The last node of the list should always point to NULL
  • This is now a singleton list, where the start and end are the same item
  • We can add another item to the end by allocating the next pointer:
    head->next = new Node;
    head->next->data = 10;
    head->next->next = NULL;

Adding to the front

  • We can add a third node to the front of the list, but be careful!
    head = new Node;
    head->data = 1;
    head->next = ???; // uh oh, we lost the old head!
  • We should instead declare a temporary pointer for the new node:
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = 1;
    temp->next = head;
    head = temp; // reassign head to the address of temp
  • Question: should we delete temp?

Adding to the middle (inserting a node)

  • At this point we have a list with 3 nodes: 1 -> 7 -> 10
  • Let's add a 5 between 1 and 7
  • Once more, we'll need a temporary pointer for the new node:
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = 5;
    temp->next = head->next; // steal the pointer to 7
    head->next = temp; // point 1 to 5

Adding to the middle is more expensive as it means traversing the list

emoji Linked list check-in 1/2

We can't just dereference head + 1 to get the next item in the list because...

  1. The head pointer is a NULL pointer
  2. The linked list is not contiguous in memory
  3. The head pointer does not point to the first item in the list
  4. The memory allocated to head is not the size of a Node

emoji Linked list check-in 2/2

next needs to be a Node * and not a Node because...

  1. A struct cannot be a member of another struct
  2. All struct members must be pointers
  3. The memory would be allocated on the stack
  4. The memory allocation would be recursive

Basic list traversal

  • Pointer arithmetic only works because arrays are contiguous in memory
  • Since a list is only defined by its head pointer, we need to traverse the list to find any other item - we can't just say head + 1 or head[1]
  • The basic algorithm is something like:
    set travelling pointer to head
    while travelling pointer points to something
        do something with the current node
        advance the travelling pointer to the next node
  • "Do something" can be printing, searching, summing, etc

Traversing a list

In C++ syntax:

Node *current = head;
while (current) { // or while (current != NULL)
    // do something with current->data
    current = current->next;
  • This is a sentinel loop that stops when current is NULL
    • As always, the LCV update must be the last line of the loop body
    • Very important that the last node point to NULL!
  • current does not allocate new memory (other than for the pointer itself)

Inserting a node

Basic approach:

  • Find the proper position for insertion (We'll deal with this later)
  • Allocate a new node
  • Steal the next pointer from the previous node
  • Assign the previous node's next pointer to the new node

Suppose the list already has the values 1 -> 5 -> 7 -> 10. We want to add the value 6 and keep the list sorted.

Handling special cases

We want to insert a node at the "proper" position, which may be:

  • At the beginning of the list
  • In the middle of the list
  • At the end of the list
  • In an empty list

Which of these need special handling?
Next lecture we'll look at some common approaches

Arrays vs Linked Lists

Arrays Linked Lists
Contains only data Contains data and pointers (more memory)
Fixed number of elements Variable number of nodes
Minimum size is 1 Minimum size is 0
Supports random access Must traverse to find an element
Insertion/deletion requires shifting Insertion/deletion is easy
Easiest insertion/deletion at the end Easiest insertion/deletion at the front
Need to know the length and fill level End is marked by NULL

Coming up next

  • Lab tomorrow: continue dynamic allocation lab
  • Lecture: More linked lists
  • Assignment 3: Linked lists

Textbook Chapter 13