COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Pointers Continued

Charlotte Curtis
February 28, 2024

Where we left off

  • Intro to pointers
  • Assigning and dereferencing pointers

Textbook Chapter 9ish

int x = 5;
int *ptr = &x;

*ptr = 10;
cout << "x: " << x << endl;

Today's topics

  • Using pointers
  • Pointers and const
  • Pointers and structures
  • Pointers and arrays

... you get the point

Textbook Chapter 9ish, still

Pointers and const

  • const makes a variable read-only
    const int NUM_STUDENTS = 20;
    NUM_STUDENTS = 21; // error! Can't change a const!
  • What happens with const and pointers?
    int x;
    int y = 37;
    const int *pci = &y; // pointer to a const int
    int * const cpi = &y; // const pointer to an int
    const int * const cpci = &y; // const pointer to a const int

Things are getting rather const-y

  • A pointer to a constant is a pointer that points to a constant value
    • The value can't be changed through the pointer
    • The pointer can be changed to point to a different value
    • Whatever it points to becomes read-only
  • A constant pointer is like a regular const variable
    • It must be initialized when declared, and can't be reassigned
    • However, the value at the address it points to can be changed
  • A constant pointer to a constant combines the two

The same info in table form

Declaration Can change value Can change pointer
int *ptr Yes Yes
const int *ptr No Yes
int * const ptr Yes No
const int *const ptr No No

All this gets rather confusing

Pointers and Arrays

  • Recall that an array is a contiguous block of memory

  • When arrays are declared and space is allocated, the address of the first element is associated with the name of the array, e.g.:

    char A[10]
    strcpy(A, "Hello");
    Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Value H e l l o \0 ? ? ? ?
  • So... if A is the address of the first element, can we assign it to a pointer?

Pointers and Arrays

char A[10] = "Hello";
char *cptr = A; // no &, because A is already an address
  • cptr now points to the first element of A
  • What if I modify *cptr?
    *cptr = 'J';
  • What if I increment cptr?
    cptr++; // add one sizeof(type) to the address

Pointers can be used to iterate through arrays!

Side tangent: Pointer arithmetic

  • Array indexing using [] is "syntactic sugar" for pointer arithmetic
  • Given the following declaration:
    int arr[10];
  • These operations are identical:
    arr[0] = 5;
    *arr = 5;
  • Or, more generally, for an integral index i:
    arr[i] = 5;
    *(arr + i) = 5;

Pointers and Structures

  • Recall that a structure is a collection of variables that could be different types
    struct Time {
        int hour;
        int minute;
  • You can access individual fields with . syntax:
    Time t;
    t.hour = 5; // it's 5 o'clock somewhere
  • And just like anything else, you can declare a pointer to a structure:
    Time *tptr = &t;

Pointers and Structures

  • To access fields, you first need to dereference the pointer, then use .:
    (*tptr).hour = 5;
  • This is common enough and annoying enough that there's a shorthand:
    tptr->hour = 5;
  • This is called the arrow operator and is only used to access members of a structure or class via a pointer
    tptr->hour++; // now it's 6 o'clock
    cout << tptr->hour << ':' << tptr->min << endl; 

emoji Pointer check-in 1/2

Which of the following operators can not be used with pointers?

  1. &
  2. *
  3. ++
  4. []
  5. /
Edit Feb 29: Originally this slide had a mistake and all the operators were valid!

emoji Pointer check-in 2/2

Which statements are true about the following code snippet? Select all that apply.

  1. x is a pointer to an int
  2. p points to x
  3. p could be used to change the value of x
  4. p could be reassigned to point to y
  5. The const has no effect
int x = 0;
int y = -1;
const int *p = &x;
cout << "x is " << x
     << " and y is " << y << endl;

Pointers and functions

  • A pointer variable is like any other variable...
    • It can be passed to a function, by value or by reference
    • It can be returned from a function
  • Things get funky passing pointers to functions:
    void foo(int *iptr) {
        int x = 42;
        iptr = &x;
    int main() {
        int *iptr = NULL;
        cout << *iptr << endl; // what happens here?

Passing pointers by value

  • Recall that when you pass a variable by value, a copy is made
    void foo(int *ptr); // Pointer is passed by value
  • The function receives an address and assigns it to a local pointer variable
  • The pointer can change the value at that address in the calling scope, but it can't change what the pointer points to

Kinda confusing, let's visualize

Passing by reference

  • If you want to change what the pointer points to, you need to pass it by reference:
    void foo(int *&ptr); // Pointer is passed by reference

    Read right-to-left: int *&ptr means "reference to pointer to int"

  • Caution: The new address must exist in the calling scope
  • Remember that local variables disappear when the function returns
    void do_stuff(int *ptr, int n) {
        ptr = &n;

Protecting what a pointer points to

  • Passing a pointer by value still allows modifying the value at that address
    void foo(int *ptr) {
  • How do we protect against modifying values? const, of course!
    void foo(const int *ptr);
  • We've done this before with arrays:
    void foo(const int arr[]);
    ... and in fact this is exactly the same thing!

What can be passed as a pointer?

Given the following function prototypes and variable declarations:

void foo(int *ptr);
void bar(int *&ptr);
int x = 0;
int *iptr = &x;

Which of the following are valid?

  1. foo(5);
  2. foo(&5);
  3. foo(&x);
  4. foo(iptr);
  5. foo(&iptr);
  1. bar(5);
  2. bar(&5);
  3. bar(&x);
  4. bar(iptr);
  5. bar(&iptr);

Side tangent: typedef

  • typedef is a keyword that allows you to create aliases for types
  • Syntax:
    typedef <type> <alias>;
  • Example:
    typedef int * IntPtr;
    IntPtr iptr = NULL;
    void bar(IntPtr &ptr); // Can't mess up the order of & and * now
  • This is recommended in our textbook, but it's a somewhat contentious practice - feel free to experiment and use what makes sense to you

Returning a pointer

  • Just like any other variable, a pointer can be returned from a function
  • But remember that local variables disappear when the function returns!
  • The return value must point to something that still exists in the calling scope
  • Example: Write a function with the following prototype that returns a pointer to the largest element in an array
    int *max(int arr[], int n);

Dynamic allocation preview

  • It's annoying that we need to guess how much memory we need at compile-time
    char sentence[256]; // should be enough for a sentence, right?
  • What if we want to allocate memory as needed?
  • What if we want to allocate memory that persists after the function returns?
  • Dynamic memory allocation to the rescue!

The heap and the stack

  • There are two accessible areas of memory for a program:
    • The stack is used for local variables and function calls
    • The heap (or "freestore") is used for dynamic memory allocation



The new operator

To create a variable on the heap, use the new operator:

int *ptr; // memory for pointer is on the stack
ptr = new int; // what it points at is on the heap

This does the following:

  1. Allocates enough memory on the heap for an int
  2. Returns the address of the allocated memory

Some things to be cautious of:

  • The allocated int can only be accessed through ptr!
  • After you're done with it, you must delete it to free the memory

Coming up next

  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Midterm! 🎉

Textbook Section 9.2