COMP 1633: Intro to CS II


Charlotte Curtis
February 26, 2024

Where we left off

  • Reading and writing files
  • Stream behaviour
  • Command line arguments

Textbook Chapter 6, plus off-book

#include <fstream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    ofstream output(argv[1]);
    output << "Writing to a file!\n";
    return 0;

Today's topics

  • A bit of midterm info
  • Intro to pointers
  • Assigning and dereferencing pointers

Textbook Chapter 9, kinda

Midterm Info

  • Topics up to and including Pointers (this week)
  • Format: multiple choice, short answer, tracing, coding
  • No cheat sheet, but I will provide the operator precedence table
  • Expect coding questions similar to assignments 1 and 2, plus conceptional questions about memory allocation

That mysterious issue from last lecture

  • In the copy_and_meow function, I had the following loop:
    char line[256];
    while (in.getline(line, 256)) {
         str_replace(line, "now", "meow");
         out << line << endl;
  • Turns out that my text file had a line longer than 256 characters
  • I RTFM and realized that while the first 255 chars were read into line, the failbit was set on in and the loop never executed
  • Lesson: choose your buffer size wisely!

And now, pointers!

  • Pointers are a powerful and confusing feature of C++
  • They allow for dynamically sized arrays, linked data structures, and more
  • It's also how pass-by-reference works in C++
  • We've been using pointers already!
    • void add_one(int arr[], int size)
    • Passing an array to this function passes a pointer to the first element of the array - this is why putting a size in the [] doesn't matter

"It's easier to give someone your address than to make a copy of your house"
-- Something I read somewhere, probably Stack Overflow

Memory and Addresses

  • Memory is a sequence of bytes (8 bits), the smallest addressable unit
  • Declaring a variable allocates enough memory to store the value, and also allows us to reference the location by name
  • The address of a variable is the location in memory where it is stored
Image courtesy of Paul Pospisil

Allocating Memory: Example

int main() {
    int i = 42;
    int j;
    char c = 'K';
    double d = 3.14159;
    // ...
    return 0;

The memory addresses are integers, though usually hexadecimal (base 16)

Image courtesy of Paul Pospisil

The pointer type

  • A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable
  • The value of a pointer doesn't make sense on its own
  • Memory addresses are integers, but pointers are a specific type, such as:
    • Pointer to an int
    • Pointer to a char
    • Pointer to a BillInfo struct

Declaring pointers

  • Passing by reference uses &, but this is the address-of operator
    • int &x = y; is a compile time error
  • The actual syntax:
    type *variable_name;
    where type is the type of the variable being pointed to
  • Example:
    int x; // a normal integer variable
    int *p; // a pointer to an integer

The * is not part of the type!

While C++ allows the * to be placed anywhere between the type and the variable, you have to be very careful:

char *cptr; // pointer to a char
char* cptr2; // also a pointer to a char

int *ptr1, *ptr2; // Two pointers to ints
int* ptr3, ptr4; // ptr3 is a pointer to an int, ptr4 is an int
  • Keeping the * next to the variable name helps to keep things straight

What happens when we declare a pointer?

  • Like other variable declarations:
    • Memory is allocated
    • The value is uninitialized (random garbage)
  • Regardless of the type, memory allocated to a pointer is the size of an int
  • The random garbage may or may not point to a valid memory address

When a program runs, it is given its own isolated memory space. While you might get segmentation faults by accessing invalid memory locations, you won't bork your system or break another program.

Side tangent: Segmentation fault

  • A segmentation fault or "segfault" might happen if you:
    • Try to access memory that doesn't belong to you
    • Try to write to read-only memory
    • Try to get the value of unallocated memory
  • Basically, any time you mess with memory that isn't your own, you might see:
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  • "Core dump" is a reference to old-school magnetic memory cores
  • You can backtrace in gdb to find the offending code

Initializing pointers

  • We can initialize pointers to point to a specific memory address:
    int *p = 0x7ffeeb6b4a4c;
  • But this is pretty much useless
  • The only useful predefined pointer value is NULL, which is falsy
    int *iptr = NULL;
    char *cptr = NULL;

In C++ 11, NULL was replaced with nullptr to avoid some ambiguity

The & operator

  • We've already seen the address-of operator, used for pass-by-reference
  • Recalling the diagram to the right:
    • &i evaluates to 000
    • &j evaluates to 004
    • &c evaluates to 008
    • &d evaluates to 012
  • We now have valid addresses that can be assigned to pointer variables!

Assigning addresses to pointers

Consider the following:

int i = 42;
int *iptr = &i;
iptr = &j;

What just happened??

Let's draw a diagram!

Now add on:

int *iptr2;
iptr2 = iptr;

Dereferencing pointers

  • Okay, we've declared and initialized pointers, but who cares?
  • What we really want to manipulate is the value at that memory location
  • The dereference operator * makes this happen
    int i = 42;
    int *iptr = &i;
    cout << *iptr << endl; // prints 42
    *iptr = 0;
    cout << i << endl; // prints 0
  • This is the same symbol used in the declaration, but it's a different operator!
  • & gives the address, * gives the value - kind of like the inverse of each other

Some Pointer Gotchas

  • Dereferencing NULL is undefined behavior
    • Good idea to check for NULL before dereferencing
    • if (iptr) { ... }
  • Beware the precedence and associativity
    • Most operators are left-to-right, but * is right-to-left
    • This means that *iptr++ is equivalent to *(iptr++)
    • This is not the same as (*iptr)++!
  • ++ on a pointer is valid - it increments the address by the size of the type

Syntax Soup: exercise

Given the following, fill in the table to the right:

int x = 24;
int *iptr = &x;
char c;
char *cptr = &c;
Expression Type Expression Type
x c
iptr cptr
&x &c
*iptr *cptr

Take a few minutes to try to answer this (in groups or independently), then we'll go through the solution together

Coming up next

  • Lab tomorrow: pointers tutorial
  • Lecture: pointers + arrays, functions, and structures
  • Assignment 2 due Friday, March 1
  • Midterm: Wednesday, March 6 🎉