COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

File I/O + Arguments

Charlotte Curtis
February 14, 2024

Where we left off

  • Grouping data with structures
  • Functions + structures
  • Arrays + structures

Textbook Chapter 10

Struct Point {
   double x;
   double y;

Point p1 = {1.0, 2.0};
Point p2 = {3.0, 4.0};

Today's topics

  • Assignment 1 feedback
  • File I/O: reading and writing files
  • Command line arguments

Assignment 1

  • Generally very well done!
  • Common issues:
    • Reading user input in main instead of get_range
    • Casting the result of total_afflicted / N_TRIALS to a double loses precision
    • The most common and insidious issue: floating point accumulation error
      current_p = p_start + i * p_step;
      current_p += p_step;

Assignment 2

  • Due the Friday after reading week
  • You should have all the necessary tools to complete it after today!
  • File reading/writing, command line arguments, structures, arrays, functions... all kinds of fun stuff
  • Make sure to use C-strings and primitive arrays, not std::string or std::vector

After this assignment you can use std::string for the next one

File I/O

  • So far we've been abusing cin to read content from files
  • Input redirection is pretty limited
    • Only one file at a time
    • Can't do user input and file input
  • Solution: file streams!
    #include <fstream>
    ... // int main, using namespace std, etc
    ifstream in_file; // input file stream object
    ofstream out_file; // output file stream object"some_input.txt"); // open the input for reading"some_output.txt"); // open the output for writing

Reading from a file


in_file = open("input.txt", "r")
out_file = open("output.txt", "w")

for line in in_file:



ifstream in_file("input.txt");
ofstream out_file("output.txt");
char line[256];

while (in_file.getline(line, 256)) {
    out_file << line << endl;
  • 3 steps: Open the file stream, do stuff with it, then close it
  • Syntax to read/write is the same as cin/cout

Reading from a file

  • Reading from a file is exactly the same as reading from cin
    ifstream in_file("time.txt");
    char colon;
    int hours, minutes;
    in_file >> hours >> colon >> minutes;
  • Writing to a file is exactly the same as writing to cout
    ofstream out_file("time.txt");
    out_file << hours << ":" << minutes;
  • You can also use getline, format specifiers, etc
  • In fact, cin and ifstream both inherit from istream!

Side Tangent: while (getline)

  • You could use eof(), but...
    while (!in_file.eof()) {
        in_file.getline(line, 256);
        // do stuff with line
  • Remember eof only triggers after you've tried to read past the end of file! The loop above is almost certainly a logic error as the last line will be processed twice
  • getline returns a reference to the stream object (basic_istream &)
  • If the read failed for whatever reason, NULL is returned and the condition evaluates as false

The fail bit

Consider the following code snippet:

ifstream in_file("input.txt"); // can also declare and then open separately
// do stuff with in_file
  • What happens if the file doesn't exist?
  • The fail bit is set when a read fails - this can be checked with fail()
    if ( {
        cout << "Something went wrong!" << endl;
  • Alternatively, you can use if (!in_file) as a shorthand

Command line arguments

  • Typing in a file name is annoying because you can't use tab completion
  • Other programs like emacs take arguments, so why can't we?
    $ cd some_dir # cd is the command, some_dir is the argument
    $ ./a.out input.txt # ./a.out is the command, input.txt is the argument
  • This is pretty straightforward: add parameters to main as follows:
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        // argc is the number of arguments
        // argv is an array of strings containing the arguments

Command line arguments

  • Command line arguments are mapped 1 to 1 from the command line to main
    $ ./a.out hello world
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            cout << argv[i] << endl;
  • This means that argv[0] is the name of the program
  • argc is the number of arguments, including the program name

emoji File I/O check-in 1/2

What is this code snippet doing? Assume the appropriate #include directives are present - it compiles and runs.

  1. Nothing, it's just reading from a file
  2. Displaying the contents of a file
  3. Copying the contents of a file
  4. Removing newlines from a file
ifstream in("input.txt");
ofstream out("output.txt");
const int BUFSIZE = 256;
char line[BUFSIZE];
while (in.getline(line, BUFSIZE)) {
    out << line << endl;

emoji File I/O check-in 2/2

What is forgotten in the following code snippet? Assume the appropriate #include directives are present - it compiles and runs.

  1. Nothing, it's perfect
  2. The file isn't closed
  3. The file isn't used for anything
  4. Should use getline instead of >>
  5. The file is opened for writing, not reading
ifstream in("input.txt");
int x;
while (cin >> x) {
    cout << x << endl;

Command line plus file I/O example

Write a program that takes two command line arguments, an input file and an output file, and copies the contents of the input file to the output file. It should also replace any instance of the word "now" with "meow".

If the user does not provide two arguments, or if the files can't be opened, the program should print an error message and exit.

Preview of pointers

  • Declaring a variable reserves a chunk of memory at some address
  • A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable
  • We've (kind of) been using pointers already!
    • void foo(int arr[], int size)
    • void bar(int &x)
  • Passing a variable by reference is actually passing a pointer to the variable
  • Let's check out Python Tutor

Coming up next

  • Tomorrow's lab: create a C++ project from scratch, plus file I/O and command line arguments
  • Reading week!!!
  • After that: Pointers - aka where C++ gets really fun

Textbook Chapter 10