COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

More Arrays

Charlotte Curtis
February 5, 2024

Where we left off

  • Arrays vs Python lists
  • C-style arrays
  • Array indexing
  • Arrays in functions preview

Textbook Chapter 7

int cup_sizes[] = {8, 12, 16, 20};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    cout << cup_sizes[i] << " oz" << endl;

Today's topics

  • Passing arrays to functions, with and without const
  • Partially filled arrays
  • Sorting arrays
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Preview of C-strings

Textbook Chapter 7, 8.1

Passing arrays to functions

  • Arrays can be passed to functions just like any other variable
    double sum_10_elements(double arr[10]) {
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            sum += arr[i];
        return sum;
  • What if we give this an array with 15 elements?
  • How about 5?

Better array passing

  • For a flexible, reusable function, we need to pass the size of the array as well

    Why wouldn't we just use a global constant? Or sizeof?

  • What if the function were declared as follows?
    double sum_all(double arr[10], int size);
  • The [10] is ignored, better to just write []

Arrays are always passed by reference

  • We might want to modify an array in a function
    void add_one(double arr[], int size) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            arr[i] += 1;
  • Arrays are always passed by reference, no & needed!
    • In fact, it's a compiler error to use & with an array
  • If you only want to read the array, use const
    double sum_all(const double arr[], int size);

Side tangent: const in function headers

  • const in a function header means that the function cannot modify the parameter

  • This does not modify the const-ness of the value that is passed

    void print(const int x) {
        cout << "You passed " << x << endl; // no problem
        x = 5; // compiler error, x is const in this scope
    int y = 10;
    print(y); // no problem
    y = 5; // also no problem

    What if I changed it to void print(const int &x)?

Summary of array passing

  • Any size indicated in the [] of the function header is ignored
  • The function receives a pointer to the first element of the array
    • sizeof information is lost
    • We'll talk more about pointers next week
  • Pass the size of the array as a separate parameter to have flexible functions
  • Arrays are always passed by reference, no & needed (or allowed)
  • If you only want to read the array, use const

Returning arrays from functions

What about the following?

double[] get_temps() {
    const int FORECAST_DAYS = 7;
    double high_temps[FORECAST_DAYS] = {};
    for (int i = 0; i < FORECAST_DAYS; i++) {
        cout << "Enter high temp for day " 
             << i + 1 << ": ";
        cin >> high_temps[i];
    return high_temps;
  • This is a compiler error! For now, just use the pass-by-reference mechanism

emoji Array check-in 1/2

What is the output from the following code?

  1. 0
  2. Random garbage
  3. The address of the array
  4. 4
  5. Runtime error
int arr[5] = {};
cout << arr[4] << endl;

emoji Array check-in 2/2

What is the output from the following code?

  1. 0
  2. Random garbage
  3. The address of the array
  4. 4
  5. Runtime error
int arr[5] = {};
cout << arr << endl;

Partially filled arrays

  • Arrays of fixed-length seem quite limiting, especially coming from Python

    high_temps = []
    temp = float(input("Enter the next temperature: "))
    while temp != -100:
        temp = float(input("Enter the next temperature: "))
  • A workaround for C-style arrays is to allocate the maximum size you think you might need, then keep track of the actual size of the array

  • This is called a partially filled array

Partially filled array example

const int MAX_SIZE = 30;
double high_temps[MAX_SIZE] = {};
int num_temps = 0;
double temp = 0;
cout << "Enter the next temperature: ";
cin >> temp;
while (temp != -100 && num_temps < MAX_SIZE) {
    high_temps[num_temps] = temp;
    cout << "Enter the next temperature: ";
    cin >> temp;
  • Pretty verbose, but nothing is hidden
  • The resulting num_temps is the actual size of the array

Searching arrays

  • Searching through an array to find a value is a common task

  • Example: find the first day with a temperature below 0

    int first_freezing_day(const double temps[], int size);
  • Things to consider:

    • What should be returned if there are no freezing days?
    • What should the LCV(s) be?
    • How does the loop terminate?

Sorting arrays

  • Sorting algorithms are a classic topic in CS
  • Tons of different algorithms with tradeoffs between speed and memory
  • We'll look at a simple one called selection sort - not the fastest, but relatively easy to understand
  • General algorithm:
    Repeat until the array is sorted:
        Go through the array and find the smallest element
        Swap the smallest element with the first element
        Update the start of the array to be the next element

Multidimensional arrays

  • So far we've only looked at one-dimensional arrays

  • How about a two-dimensional array?

    • Say we want to represent a tic-tac-toe board
  • Just like Python's list of lists

    board = [['', '', ''],
             ['', '', ''],
             ['', '', '']]
    const int ROWS = 3;
    const int COLS = 3;
    char board[ROWS][COLS] = {};
  • The first dimension is the rows, the second is the columns

Multidimensional data types

Given this declaration:

const int ROWS = 3;
const int COLS = 3;
char board[ROWS][COLS] = {};

What is the type of each of the following?:

  1. board
  2. board[0]
  3. board[0][0]

Multidimensional array initialization

  • We can initialize a multidimensional array just like a 1D array
    char board[ROWS][COLS] = {{' ', ' ', ' '},
                              {' ', ' ', ' '},
                              {' ', ' ', ' '}};
  • But that gets tedious and is inflexible, a nested loop is probably better:
    char board[ROWS][COLS];
    for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
            board[row][col] = ' ';

Multidimensional array passing

  • Multidimensional arrays are passed by reference just like 1D arrays
  • An initialization function might have the following prototype:
    void initialize(char board[][COLS], int size);
  • Like 1D arrays, the first dimension is ignored, however...
  • The second dimension must be specified, and it must be a constant!

This is probably a good place to use a global constant

Processing row by row

Depending on the data, you might want to process one row at a time:

const int MAX_RECORDS = 100;
const int NUM_FIELDS = 5;
int records[MAX_RECORDS][NUM_FIELDS] = {};

for (int row = 0; row < MAX_RECORDS; row++) {
    read_record(records[row], NUM_FIELDS);
  • What should the prototype for read_record look like?
  • How could you process column by column?

C-string Preview

  • C-style strings are arrays of characters
  • We said that you can't do this:
    int primes[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
    cout << primes << endl;
  • But what about this?
    char vowels[] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
    cout << vowels << endl;
  • We've actually been using C-strings all along!

Coming up next

  • Assignment 1 due Friday
  • Assignment 2 available next week: repeat of 1701 A4
  • Lab: Arrays
  • Next topic: C-strings + structures

Textbook Chapter 8.1, 8.2

Do some demos

Show example of how calling doesn't change


How do you choose max size?

Take some time to think on algo

Draw on the board

LCVs, update?

Draw on the board

Do example with tic-tac-toe game