COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Loop loop loopy loops 🔁

Charlotte Curtis
January 29, 2024

Where we left off

  • Boolean expressions
  • if-else statements
  • Some C++ specific boolean behaviour
  • All the git lab chaos

Textbook Sections 2.4, 3.1-3.2

if (x % 3 == 0)
    cout << "Fizz";
if (x % 5 == 0)
    cout << "Buzz";

Today's topics

  • while and for loops
  • Event controlled vs counted loops
  • Some useful sentinels
  • The last lecture of "review", and the last thing needed for assignment 1

Textbook Sections 3.3-3.4

Review: Loop design decisions

Think about:

  1. What statements do you want to repeat?
  2. What variable (the LCV) should control the loop?
  3. What condition should cause the loop to terminate? Then, invert it
  4. What should the initial conditions of the loop be?
  5. How should the LCV be updated?

Complete while loop example

int x = 1;              // Initialization
while (x <= 100) {      // Condition
    if (x % 3 == 0)
        cout << "Fizz";
    if (x % 5 == 0)
        cout << "Buzz";
    cout << "\n";
    x++;                // Update
  • Forgetting to update the LCV leads to an infinite loop
  • Initializing with the wrong value can lead to the loop never executing
Not a complete FizzBuzz implementation - what is this missing?

for loops - a bit more different

for i in range(10):
    # code to execute
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // code to execute
  • Notice the semicolons! Inside the parentheses, there are three statements:
    1. Initialization
    2. Condition
    3. Update
  • The LCV is declared inside the loop, and only exists inside the loop
  • BUT this isn't actually mandatory - it's a good idea though

FizzBuzz as a for loop

Since FizzBuzz is counting from 1 to 100, it's a good candidate for a for loop:

for (int x = 1; x <= 100; x++) {
    if (x % 3 == 0)
        cout << "Fizz";
    if (x % 5 == 0)
        cout << "Buzz";
    cout << "\n";
  • for loops help protect you from forgetting to initialize or update the LCV
  • More readable for counted scenarios, as all 3 steps are in one place
  • BUT you can't shouldn't use a for loop for event controlled repetition

emoji Review: Compound conditions

Say you want to roll a pair of dice until you get a 12 OR you reach 5 rolls. Which of the following is the correct condition?

  1. roll != 12 || n_rolls < 5
  2. roll != 12 && n_rolls < 5
  3. roll == 12 || n_rolls >= 5
  4. roll == 12 && n_rolls >= 5
  5. roll == 12 || n_rolls < 5
int roll = roll_dice();
int n_rolls = 1;

while (<condition>) {
    roll = roll_dice();

De Morgan's Laws

  • To determine the loop condition, it's often easier to think of when you want it to stop rather than when you want it to continue

    • "Stop when we get a 12 or reach 5 rolls"
    • "Stop when the user presses q"
  • Inverting compound conditions can be tricky, but De Morgan's laws can help

    • !(A && B) == !A || !B
    • !(A || B) == !A && !B
  • You can also just use the !(stop condition) syntax if it makes more sense

while loops vs for loops

  • for loops allow you to keep your LCV in the local scope

  • Otherwise, they're basically the same thing!

    int i = 0;
    while (i < 10) {
        cout << i << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        cout << i << endl;
  • You can do some really weird things with for loops (but please don't)

    for ( ; ; ) cout << "I'm a loop in one line!" << endl;

for loop conventions

You really really should stick to the syntax of:

for (initialization; condition; update) {
    // loop body
  • The initialization is only run once, at the start of the loop
  • The condition is checked before a new iteration
  • The update is run at the end of each loop body

C++ is highly flexible, and that power means it's your job to understand exactly what you want to have happen.

Why while?

If for loops are just syntactic sugar for while loops, why do we have both?

  • while loops are a good choice for event-controlled loops
    • You don't know how many times it'll run
    • The end of the loop is triggered by some kind of an event
  • This includes sentinel loops
    while user provides input
        keep on processing

Recall: Sentinel loops

  • A sentinel is a specific value that is only used to signal the end of the data

  • The sentinel is typically:

    • The same data type as the data
    • Added to the end of a stream of data to indicate the end
    • Excluded from processing
  • Example: . at the end of a sentence

    Write a function that reads a sentence character by character and counts the vowels, stopping when it reaches a period.

emoji Remember this pattern?

The loop we just wrote is an example of a sentinel, but it's also an example of which common loop pattern?

  1. Counted loop
  2. Accumulator
  3. Summation
  4. Variable-controlled loop
  5. Fruit loop

End of input: a useful sentinel

  • Often we want to keep reading input until the end of file is reached
  • This is so common that C++ provides a special sentinel for it: eof()
  • For a given input stream the syntax is stream_name.eof()
      while (!cin.eof()) {
          // read input
  • This is a member function (aka "method") of the istream class that returns:
    • true if the end of file has been reached
    • false otherwise
  • eof() only return true after an attempt to read past the end of file

Example using eof()

Modify the vowel-counting program to use eof() instead of a period as a sentinel.

flavour center

Why a cat picture? The slide felt kind of empty.

More eof() considerations

  • The internet will tell you that eof() as the loop condition is always bad
  • This is because of the following (incorrect) code:
    while (!cin.eof()) {
        cin >> x;
        // do something with x
  • This code will always repeat the last value of x!
  • Again, the LCV update should always be at the end of the loop body, necessitating a priming read before the loop

Alternatives to eof()

  • The >> operator will evaluate to false if it fails to read a value

  • This means we can put the read inside the while condition:

    int x;
    cin >> x;
    while (!cin.eof()) {
        //do something with x
        cin >> x;
    int x;
    while (cin >> x) {
        //do something with x
  • This is a common pattern for reading input in C++, though it might be more confusing than using eof()

Controversial loop topics

  • break and continue are statements that interrupt the flow of the loop
    • break exits the loop immediately
    • continue skips the rest of the loop body and goes back to the top
  • In general, these can make the flow of the program harder to follow
  • For this course, do not use them
  • Definitely don't use goto. From the textbook:

    "Labels are a remnant from the C language and are used with goto statements. Their use is generally shunned because they can result in logic that is difficult to follow"

Re-writing a loop with break

This is an example of actual code I've had submitted for assignments, often with a ChatGPT attribution:

int x, y;
while (true) {
    cin >> x >> y;
    if (eof())
    cout << x + y << endl; // actually more complex, but you get the idea

How would you re-write this loop without using break?

Summary of loop types

  • Counted loops: you know how many times you want to repeat
    • Prefer a for loop for readability and and less chance of errors
  • Event-controlled loops: you don't know how many times you want to repeat
    • Prefer a while loop to signal that the loop is event-controlled
    • A sentinel is an example of an event-controlled loop
  • do-while loops: run at least once, but less common than while loops
  • Avoid break, continue, return in a loop, and goto!
    • anything that interrupts the flow of control makes things harder to follow

Getting fancy: nested loops

  • Just like if statements, loops can be nested inside each other
  • This gets a little brain-melty, but is quite useful

Challenge: write a function that takes an integer n and displays the times table up to

Arrays preview

  • Remember the list type in Python?

    cities = ["Calgary", "Vancouver", "Toronto"]
    current_temp = [15, 18, 20]
  • It's possible, but not a good idea, to have mixed data types

    city_and_current_temp = ["Calgary", 15]
  • Arrays in C++ are kind of like lists, but the data types must be the same

  • We'll start by looking at "C-style" arrays

C-style arrays

  • C-style arrays are a fixed size (length) collection of elements of the same type
  • When an array is declared, memory is allocated all at once
  • An array is not a separate data type! The general form of the declaration is:
    data_type variable_name[array_size];
  • For example:
    double current_temp[3];
  • The array size must be a constant (not a variable)

Working with arrays

  • Like Python, arrays can be indexed using [] with the index starting at 0
    current_temp[0] = 15;
    current_temp[1] = 18;
    current_temp[2] = 20;
  • Also like Python, this provides read/write access to the array element
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      cout << "The current temperature is: " << current_temp[i] << endl;
  • Finally, arrays can be initialized when they are declared
    double current_temp[3] = {15, 18, 20};

Coming up next

  • Loop lab
  • Lecture: Arrays
  • Assignment 1: Due February 9, 2024 (Next Friday)

Textbook Chapter 7

Venn diagram time

Let them think for a bit while I work on solution

Does anyone remember why mixed types aren't a good idea?

Draw what's happening in memory