COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Pass by reference

Charlotte Curtis
January 22, 2024

Where we left off

  • Predefined functions in C++
  • Function calls
  • Declaring and defining functions
  • Variable scope
  • A week of async!
#include <iomanip>
cout << fixed;
cout << "Total: $" << setw(8) 
     << bill << endl;
cout << "With GST: $" << setw(8) 
     << bill*1.05 << endl;

Textbook Sections 4.1-4.5

Today's topics

  • More on variable scope
  • Pass by reference
  • Bottom-up vs top-down testing

Textbook Sections 4.5, 5.1-5.5

Variable scope

  • Python only has two scopes: global and local

  • C++ has block-level scope

    • Variables declared inside {} are only accessible inside that block
    • This applies to functions, but also if statements, for loops, etc.
    int global_var = 23; // bad idea, but legal
    int main() {
          int local_var = 42; // only accessible within main
          cout << global_var << endl; // 23
          cout << local_var << endl; // 42

Function parameters are local variables

  • Parameters are local variables that are initialized with the values of the arguments

  • Do not redefine function parameters!

    Common error in COMP 1701:

    def some_function(arg_1: int, arg_2: int) -> int:
        arg_1 = 42
        arg_2 = input("Enter a number: ")
        return arg_1 + arg_2

Scope guidelines

  • Declare variables in the smallest scope possible
  • Variable names can be repeated in different scopes, but make sure the usage is consistent
    • e.g. if temp is used for temperature in one scope, don't use it for temporary values in another
    • Similarly if x is an int in one scope, don't use it as a double in another
  • Avoid global variables altogether (except constants shared across scopes)
    • Improper use of global variables will affect your grade on assignments

emoji Functions check-in 1/2

Based on the following function prototype (declaration), which of the following is a valid function call?

double compute_interest(double balance, double rate, int years);
  1. int interest = compute_interest(1000, 0.05, 3);
  2. compute_interest(1000, 0.05, 0.5);
  3. double interest = compute_interest(1000, 0.05, 3);
  4. cout << compute_interest() << endl;

emoji Functions check-in 2/2

Predict the output of the following code:

void fun(int x);

int main() {
    int y = 0;
    cout << y << endl;

void fun(int x) {
    x = x + 10;

Returning multiple things

  • Functions allow you to return either nothing (void) or one thing (any other type)
  • Python (sort of) allows you to return multiple values from a function by implicitly packing them into a tuple:
    def get_initial_and_age() -> tuple[str, int]:
        initial = input("Enter your initial: ")
        age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
        return initial, age
  • How can we do this in C++ (98)?
    • Objects and data structures, pointers, and references
Note: C++ 11 introduced tuples, and they're probably a better way to do things, but learning about pass by reference is still valuable

Pass by value

So far, all of our functions have used pass by value

  • The value of the argument is assigned to the parameter
  • Example: given the following function:
    void increase_salary(double salary, double percent_increase) {
        salary = salary * (1 + percent_increase);
    trace the execution of the following code, showing memory locations:
    double wage = 10000.0;
    increase_salary(wage, 0.05);
    cout << wage << endl;

Pass by reference

  • Instead of passing a value, we can pass a reference to a memory location
  • This allows us to modify the original value, in a different scope!

    Use with caution! Side effects can lead to chaos

  • Syntactically, one tiny change: & after the type in the parameter list
    void increase_salary(double& salary, double percent_increase) {
        salary = salary * (1 + percent_increase);
  • The & is called the reference operator

Rules and conventions for pass by reference

  • Only things with an address can be passed to a reference parameter
    • Variables only, no literals or expressions
  • Reference parameters can be both read and written
    • The called function can modify or even destroy the original value!

Style note: functions with reference parameters should usually be void or return bool (more on that later)

Example 1

Write a prototype for a function that will "move" a point in a 2D plane according to an angle and a distance. Assume the point is represented by two double parameters x and y.


Example 2

Implement a function with the prototype void swap(int& a, int& b) that exchanges the values of two ints

Try this on paper for a few minutes, then we'll go through a solution

Testing: drivers and stubs

  • Functions are great because they let us break our code into smaller pieces
  • Don't wait until you've written everything to test!
  • Two approaches:
    • Top-down: Start with the main logic and then fill in the pieces
    • Bottom-up: Start with the pieces and then put them together

Either way you need to "fake" the parts you haven't written yet

emoji Testing review 1/2

A function with an int parameter num implements the following logic. How many test values are needed to exhaustively test it?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. Impossible to test exhaustively
result = num
if num < 0
    result = -num

return result

emoji Testing review 2/2

It is acceptable to hard-code magic numbers for test purposes.

  1. True
  2. False

Test Drivers

  • Used in bottom-up testing
  • After writing a complete function, a test driver is a "dummy" main function that calls the function with a variety of test values
  • At its simplest, the test driver should print the results of the function calls along with a label for context
    cout << "my_func(2) = " << my_func(2) << endl;
    cout << "my_func(-2) = " << my_func(-2) << endl;
    cout << "my_func(0) = " << my_func(0) << endl;

You can also use assert or a test framework like GoogleTest, but those are beyond the scope of this course

Function Stubs

  • While a driver acts as the calling function, a stub acts as the called function
  • Used in top-down design
  • Write your main logic first, then write stubs for the functions you need
  • Stubs match the data type, name, and number of parameters for a function you want to write, but don't do anything useful
    int my_func(int whole_num, double dec) {
        return 0;

What value should the stub return? Something that makes sense in the context of how the function will be used.

Side Tangent: input redirection

  • We talked about testing functions individually with hard-coded values, but eventually you need to test with input as well
  • You can repeatedly type your input...
      $ ./a1
      Enter the range of R0 values (0 - 20): 0.5 12
      Enter the range of p values (0 - 1): 0.1 0.95
  • But it's easier to redirect input from a file:
      $ ./a1 < input.txt

This is a bash thing, not a C++ thing - you could do the same with Python

Boolean preview

bool is a data type that can only have two values: true or false

Python C++ Description
== == Equal to
!= != Not equal to
< < Less than
<= <= Less than or equal to
> > Greater than
>= >= Greater than or equal to

Functions can return bool, just like in Python:

def is_even(num: int) -> bool:
    return num % 2 == 0
bool is_even(int num) {
    return num % 2 == 0;

Compound Boolean expressions

Python C++ Description
and && Logical and
or || Logical or
not ! Logical not
  • Same behaviour and precedence as Python, just different symbols
  • Example: bool in_range = x > 0 && x < 10

if statement syntax

if (boolean_expression) {
    // code to execute if true
} else {
    // code to execute if false
  • note the () around the boolean expression - this is mandatory in C++
  • Like Python, the else is optional
  • More nuance on if and booleans next lecture

Coming up next

  • Lab: Pass by reference
  • Lectures: Decisions and Loops
  • Assignment 1 now available! 🎉

Textbook Sections 2.4, 3.1-3.2

Extra: another pass-by-reference example

Write a function called sort2 that takes two int parameters and sorts them in ascending order - that is, after a call to sort2(m, n), the smaller value is in m and the larger value is in n.

Hint: you can use the swap function from earlier

Do a demo showing scope

draw diagram of calling and assigning

Draw the memory location

Demo with expression

How should you approach assignment 1? However you like!

Do a demo with reading values

Reminder: % only works on ints