COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

Functions in C++

Charlotte Curtis
January 17, 2024

Where we left off

  • cout and cin
  • Debugging with gdb
  • Constants
  • Type casting
  • Basic compiling and arithmetic
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159

int main() {
  double r;
  cout << "Enter the radius: ";
  cin >> r;
  cout << "The area is " << PI * r * r << endl;
  return 0;

Today's topics

  • Predefined functions in C++
  • Function calls
  • Declaring and defining functions
  • Separate compilation (briefly)

Textbook Sections 4.1-4.5

Program execution

  • The requisite main function is the program entry point

  • Code in main is executed one line at a time from top to bottom

  • main should be reserved for the program's main logic, with various sub-tasks delegated to other functions

    int main() {
        double a, b;
        cout << "Enter the two side lengths of a right angle triangle: ";
        cin >> a >> b;
        cout << "The hypotenuse length is " << hypoteneuse(a, b) << endl;
        return 0;

Predefined functions

  • C++ includes a standard library, such as <iostream>
    • Caution: Many libraries say C++ 11 or similar, but we are using C++ 98
  • To use a library, include its header file at the top of your program:
    #include <iostream>
  • Just like Python's import, this now gives access to all the functions in iostream

Remember how you needed to access Python functions with . syntax, such as random.randint? C++ is similar, using :: instead of ., and the using namespace std statement lets you skip the std:: part.

<cmath> functions

Function Description
fabs(x) Absolute value of x
pow(x, y) x to the power of y
sqrt(x) Square root of x
ceil(x) Smallest integer greater than or equal to x
floor(x) Largest integer less than or equal to x
round(x) Nearest integer to x
sin(x) Sine of x (and other trig functions)
Data type of output depends on input!

emoji Review: Calling functions 1/2

Given a function pow(int x, int y) that returns , what output do you think the following code will produce? Assume the code is part of a complete program.

  1. No output
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 27
  5. Error
int x = 2;
int y = 3;
cout << pow(y, x) << endl;

emoji Review: Calling functions 2/2

Given a function pow(int x, int y) that returns , what output do you think the following code will produce? Assume the code is part of a complete program.

  1. No output
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 27
  5. Error
int x = 2;
int y = 3;
pow(x, y);
cout << pow << endl;

Main takeaway: function calls

General form is similar to Python:

return_val = function_name(argument1, argument2, ...);
  • Whatever is returned from the function is assigned to return_val
  • Arguments are passed to the function in the parentheses
  • Data type and order matters, names do not!
  • Arguments can be literals, variables, or expressions

Example: formatted output

print(f"Total: ${bill:.2f}")
cout << fixed;
cout << "Total: $" << bill << endl;
  • Calling cout.precision(n) sets the number of decimal places to n
  • fixed prints a decimal like 308.24
    • alternatively, scientific prints a decimal like 3.08e+02
  • These are called format flags

Formatting output: field width

print(f"Total:    ${bill:8.2f}")
print(f"With GST: ${bill*1.05:8.2f}")
#include <iomanip>
cout << fixed;
cout << "Total: $" << setw(8) 
     << bill << endl;
cout << "With GST: $" << setw(8) 
     << bill*1.05 << endl;
  • The iomanip library provides more functions for formatting output
  • setw(n) sets the field width to n characters
  • Unlike precision, setw only affects the next output

Remember abstraction?

  • Abstraction lets us hide the implementation from the interface
  • To call a function, we only need to know:
    • What values to pass in
    • What it will return
    • A general idea of what it does
  • Similarly, you can write a function without ever knowing how it will be used
  • This lets us break big problems into smaller ones, and reuse useful bits of code

Declaring functions

  • Just like variables, C++ requires functions to be declared before they are used

  • This tells the compiler that the function exists and how it behaves

  • Similar to a function header in Python:

    def func_name(args) -> return_type
    return_type func_name(args);
  • A function declaration is also called a prototype

  • All function declarations must be placed before main, and ideally in a separate header file

Defining functions

def func_name(args) -> return_type:
    # function body
    return return_val
return_type func_name(args) {
    // function body
    return return_val;
  • The declaration and function header are almost identical except:
    • No semicolon after the function header
    • Variable names are required

void functions

What if you don't want to return anything?

def say_hello() -> None:
void say_hello() {
    cout << "Hello!" << endl;
  • void is an explicit return type that means "no return value"
  • The return statement is optional
  • Otherwise, just like Python!

Caution: Python's return types are just a suggestion, while in C++ they are strictly enforced.

Complete program example with functions

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double hypoteneuse(double a, double b); // function declaration

int main() {
  double a, b;
  cout << "Enter the two side lengths of a right angle triangle: ";
  cin >> a >> b;
  cout << "The hypotenuse length is " << hypoteneuse(a, b) << endl;
  return 0

double hypoteneuse(double a, double b) { // function definition
    return sqrt(a*a + b*b);

A brief preview of Separate Compilation

  • We can separate the main logic from other logical groupings
  • Problem: main needs to know about the existence of other functions
  • Solution: put all the declarations in a header file (.h), then #include it
  • Header files should only contain:
    • function prototypes
    • type definitions (e.g. structs)
    • named constants
  • No variables or function definitions should go in header files!

Separate Compilation

  • New project structure:
    • defs.h
    • defs.cpp - #include "defs.h"
    • main.cpp - #include "defs.h"
  • Prevents duplication of the code in defs.h, keeps main logic clear
  • Compile in multiple steps:
    • g++ -c defs.cpp - compiles defs.cpp into defs.o
    • g++ -c main.cpp - compiles main.cpp into main.o
    • g++ -o main main.o defs.o - links the two object files


Compiling in multiple steps is a tedious process, so we automate it with a makefile

# This is "Makefile". Notice that comments begin with "#"
program: defs.o main.o
    g++ main.o defs.o –o program
main.o: main.cpp
    g++ -c main.cpp
defs.o: defs.cpp
    g++ -c defs.cpp
  • Instead of running g++ to compile, run make (with no arguments)
  • This allows me to do autograded labs! For now, I'll provide makefiles and all you have to do is run make. You can ignore the contents of the makefile for now.

Tangent: Curly brace convention

  • The curly braces {} are required to define blocks, but indentation is not

  • The convention is to indent the contents of a block by 4 spaces

  • Up to you whether the first { is on the same line or the next:

    int main() {
        // ...
    int main()
        // ...
  • As usual, be consistent!

Refresher: Variable scope

As in Python, variables defined in a function (including parameters) are only accessible within that function:

int main() {
    int x = 5;
    int y = some_func();
    return 0;

int some_func() {
    return x * 2; // Error: x is not defined

We'll talk more about scope next lecture

Coming up next

  • Lab: Functions 🎉 - first lab with actual tests
  • Lecture: Pass by reference, scope

Textbook 4.5, 5.1-5.2

Do an example with hypotenuse

Also do an example with same/different names

Demo setting precision

## IPO Diagrams * IPO stands for **Input, Processing, and Output** * The program as a whole has an IPO diagram, but so does each function * Sometimes drawing it out can be helpful for organizing your thoughts <div data-marpit-fragment> > Example: Hypotenuse function </div>

Example: try to return from void, try to assign void to variable

Show how omitting the declaration doesn't work, but moving the definition does

Also show how variable names aren't required in declaration