COMP 1633: Intro to CS II

C++ Basics Continued

Charlotte Curtis
January 15, 2024

Where we left off

  • Variable declaration and assignment
  • Primitive data types
  • Some new C++ operators
  • Mixed type arithmetic

Predict the data type

5 + i * 2
d + i * 2
d / 9.33
7 / i
7.0 / i
42 + 7 / (i * 1.2)

Today's topics

  • Named Constants
  • Comments
  • Input/Output
  • Type casting
  • Debugging with gdb

Textbook Sections 2.2, 2.5

A few new operators

Like Python, C++ has the compound assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=. There's a few new ones as well:

  • ++ and --: increment and decrement by 1
    • Can be either ++x or x++
  • Unary operators: + and -
    • Finally you can write x + -5 instead of x - 5!
  • ++ and -- happen first, then unary operators, then the usual BEDMAS
A full listing of operator precedence can be found here

Constants using const

In Python, constants are just a convention:

PI = 3.14159
GST = 0.05

In C++, use the keyword const:

const double PI = 3.14159;
const double GST = 0.05;
const int NUM_PLANETS = 8;
  • const is a modifier that prevents the value from being changed

C++ has a number of modifiers that make the compiler enforce rules, turning run-time or logic errors into compile time errors (a good thing!)


  • C++ has two types of comments:
    • Single line comments: // (most common)
    • Multi-line comments: /* */
    • Be consistent!
  • Stylistically, comments should be used the same way as Python
    • Explain why you are doing something, not what you are doing
    • Use self-documenting variable names and code structure
    • Short comments in line with code are okay, but stick to a max of ~80 characters per line total

Displaying output

Assuming #include <iostream> and using namespace std; we can display output with:

cout << "Hello World!\n";
  • cout is the standard output stream
    • A stream is a source or destination of characters of indefinite length
  • << is the stream insertion operator
  • We're telling C++ to "insert "Hello World!\n" into the output stream

Unlike Python, we need to explicitly add \n or endl to get a new line

More output magic

Like Python's print, C++ is happy to mix and match types:

int age = NOT_TELLING;
cout << "I am " << age << " years old.\n";

You can insert as many things in the string as you like, and even break over lines:

cout << "This is a very long string that I want to break over "
     << "multiple lines.\n"
     << "This is on the next line.\n";
  • String literals cannot be broken over lines
  • Only one statement means only one semicolon

Reading input

Like the standard output cout, C++ has a standard input cin:

cin >> variable_name;
  • >> is the stream extraction operator

  • cin will wait for the user to type something and press enter

  • variable_name must be declared, and must match the data type of the input

    int age;
    cout << "Enter your age in years: ";
    cin >> age;

The cin input stream

Like cout, cin can be used to read multiple values:

char first_initial, last_initial;
int year, age;
cout << "Enter your first and last initials: ";
cin >> first_initial >> last_initial;

cout << "Enter your program year and current age: ";
cin >> year >> age;

cout << "Thanks, " << first_initial << last_initial
     << "! You were " << (age - year) << " when you started!\n";

emoji Check-in 1/2

True or false:

Like Python, C++ will include a prompt for the user when requesting input.

  1. True
  2. False

emoji Check-in 2/2

True or false:

Multiple inputs can be separated by whitespace.

  1. True
  2. False

Buffered input

  • Typed input is read and stored in a buffer (temporary storage)
  • This allows the user to backspace and make corrections before submitting
  • cin follows (approximately) this process:
    if the buffer is empty
        read from the keyboard
        process next value in the buffer
  • The data type of the variable to the right of >> determines how the input is interpreted

Type-dependent input processing

Data Type Input Processing
int Read all characters until a non-digit is found
double Read all characters until a non-digit or non-decimal is found*
char Read the next character
  • For all data types, leading whitespace is ignored and multiple whitespace characters are treated as a single delimiter
  • Important: the last character (often \n) is left in the buffer
* Or scientific notation, e.g. 2.99e8

Type casting

Mixed type arithmetic can result in implicit type casting:

int i = 1;
double d = (1 + i) * 3.4; // ok
d = i; // still okay
i = d; // compiler warning!
  • Best to be explicit with static_cast:
    i = static_cast<int>(d);
  • General syntax: static_cast<type>(expression)

emoji Type casting check-in

In the following code sample, what is the final value of pi_i?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
double pi = 3.14159;
int pi_i = static_cast<int>(pi / 2);

Limitations of double

  • Declaring a double allocates 8 bytes or 64 bits of memory (32 bit float shown below):

  • Allows for numbers up to , but "only" 15-17 digits of precision

  • Doubles are inexact: 3 * 0.1 == 0.3 may evaluate to false!

Limitations of int

  • Declaring an int allocates 4 bytes or 32 bits of memory
  • This allows for storing numbers up to or

    Why not ?

  • Integers are exact, so can be safely used for equality comparisons
  • BUT if you exceed the maximum value, you get integer overflow:
    int i = 2147483647;
    i = i + 1;
    cout << i << endl; // -2147483648

Debugging with gdb

  • In tomorrow's lab, you will be introduced to the GNU Debugger gdb
  • gdb is a command-line tool that allows you to:
    • Run your program line-by-line
    • Inspect the values of variables
    • Set breakpoints to pause execution
    • And much more!
  • To build with debug info (such as line numbers) use the -g flag:
    g++ -g hello.cpp

gdb demo

  • After building with -g, run gdb on the executable:
    gdb ./a.out
  • You will see a (gdb) prompt
  • Type run to start the program - this will run the whole thing
  • Type list to see the source code
  • To add a breakpoint, type b <line number> (or break <line number>), e.g.:
    b 7
  • Now run again, and the program will pause at line 7

Basic gdb commands

Command Description
run Run the program
list List the source code
b <line number> Set a breakpoint at the given line number
d <breakpoint number> Delete the given breakpoint
n Execute the next line of code
p <variable name> Print the value of the given variable
c Continue execution until the next breakpoint

Coming up next

  • Lab: C++ and gdb
  • Lecture: Using and defining functions in C++

Textbook Chapter 4 and start of 5

Do a demo with and without const, try to modifiy

## Constants using `#define` C++ also has a preprocessor directive called `#define`: ```cpp #define PI 3.14159 #define GST 0.05 #define NUM_PLANETS 8 ``` * Preprocessor directives are processed **before** the code is compiled * `#define <name> <value>` performs **text replacement** of the name with the value <div data-marpit-fragment> > `const` or `#define`? Subtle differences, but as usual, **be consistent** </div>

More demos

const has type correctness and scope

Demo demo demo

Draw the stream concept on the board

show with and without the newline

## ![emoji](../img/iclicker.png) What does the following display? <div class="columns"> <span class="Alpha"> 1. ``` Hello, world! 123 Aa ``` 2. ``` Hello, world! 1 2 3 A a ``` 3. ``` Hello, world! 1 2 3 A a ``` 4. ``` Hello, world!123 Aa ``` </span> ```cpp int main() { int number = 3; cout << "Hello, world!"; cout << 1 << 2 << number << endl; cout << 'A' << 'a' << endl; return 0; } ``` </div>

Move to example, show how whitespace is not needed for characters, but needed to separate numbers

Draw a diagram of chopping up the input stream and feeding it to chained variables

Show what happens with the sign bit (1 for negative)