Lecture 24: The Last One

Apr 8, 2024  β”‚  Last updated Apr 8, 2024 by Charlotte Curtis

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Where we left off

  • Copying objects
  • Copy constructors
  • Overloading the assignment operator
  • Some concept-level stuff about inheritance

Textbook Section 11.4

int main() {
    SomeDynamicClass a("Foo");
    SomeDynamicClass b = a;
    return 0;
$ free(): double free detected in tcache 2

Today’s topics

Textbook Sections: All of them? Or none, I guess

Final exam info

Final Exam Topics

My advice: practice! Go over labs, assignments, try doing things on paper

Paper Practice

Coming up next

And that’s about it!

Previous: Lecture 22: Copying Objects