Assignment 2: Revisiting the Applicant Scoring Program

Feb 12, 2024  │  m. Mar 1, 2024 by Charlotte Curtis

Due date: March 1, 2024 11:59pm


Last semester in COMP 1701, you wrote a program to process a file containing applicants to Canada’s Federal Skilled Worker Program . The program read the file, calculated a score for each applicant, displayed the number of applicants qualifying for the next step, and wrote a new file summarizing the qualifying applicants.

In this assignment, you’ll be doing it all over again, but in C++. You’ll also be passing the file names as command line arguments rather than input prompts to take advantage of tab completion.

For those of you who did not do this assignment in COMP 1701, there will be a bit more mental overhead in understanding the problem, but a Python solution is provided for you to study.


Note: This assignment is not to be completed using std::vector, std::string, or other abstract data types. The goal is to learn about C-style arrays/structures/C-strings and the associated memory management.

The Program

Upon completion, your program should behave as follows:

$ ./a2 data/input/dataset-full.txt data/output/qualified_applicants.txt
There were 1608 qualified applicants.

The program should read from the file data/input/dataset-full.txt and write to the file data/output/qualified_applicants.txt. Sample input and output files are provided in the data directory. The output format should be identical to the Python solution provided, i.e:

First Name          | Last Name          | Age | Score
Aaron                Grimm                   30     86
Aaron                Koressel                33     86
Aaron                Russo                   30     86
Abigail              Kelley                  57     67
Abraham              Harper                  58     85
Abraham              Howard                  26     82
Ada                  Parker                  26     72
Ada                  Walker                  61     70

Note: depending on your instructor, the output format may differ somewhat from your COMP 1701 solution.

The Data

The input file has a header line followed by lines (records) of data. There are 19 fields (columns), described as follows:

0first_nameThe first name of the applicant.
1last_nameThe last name of the applicant.
2ageThe age of the applicant.
3marital_statusThe marital status of the applicant (connected to the answers to points 13, 14, and 15).
4speak_1The applicant’s primary language speaking Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
5listen_1The applicant’s primary language listening Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
6read_1The applicant’s primary language reading Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
7write_1The applicant’s primary language writing Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
8all_2‘yes’ or ’no’. ‘yes’ indicates that the applicant has a CLB that is at least 5 across all the language skills.
9educationText representing the education that the applicant has received. The text will come from the Education entry in the Scoring System section.
10work_experienceThe number of years of relevant work experience.
11arranged_employment‘yes’ indicating that the applicant has acceptable work arranged; ’no’ otherwise.
12adaptability_spouse_language‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant’s spouse has an acceptable language score.
13adaptability_spouse_education‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant’s spouse has relevant educational qualifications.
14adaptability_spouse_work‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant’s spouse has relevant work experience.
15adaptability_you_education‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant has relevant education.
16adaptability_you_work‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant has relevant work experience.
17adaptability_you_employment‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant has arranged employment.
18adaptability_relatives‘yes’ or ’no’ value representing whether the applicant (or their spouse/partner) has family in Canada that qualifies.

The Scoring System

An applicant’s score is computed by scoring each category and summing the results.

Language Skills (max 28 points)

First official language points (max 24 points)

CLB LevelSpeakingListeningReadingWriting
CLB level 9 or higher6666
CLB level 85555
CLB level 74444

Second official language (max 4 points)

You get 4 points if and only if you have a score of at least CLB 5 in each of the 4 language abilities. 0 points otherwise.

Education (max 25 points)

Level of Education for Express Entry ProfileFederal Skilled Workers Program Factor Points
Secondary school (high school diploma)5
One-year degree, diploma or certificate15
Two-year degree, diploma or certificate19
Bachelor’s degree or other programs (three or more years)21
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees22
Professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession23
University degree at the Master’s level23
University degree at the Doctoral (PhD) level25

Caution: If you copy/paste the above strings, you may need to re-type the commas in “Bachelor’s” and “Master’s”, as these may be rendered as different characters on the web browser.

Work Experience (max 15 points)

Under 1 year0
1 year9
2-3 years11
4-5 years13
6 or more years15

Age (max 12 points)

Under 180
47 or older0

Arranged Employment (max 10 points)

The description is ‘yes’ if the applicant has arranged suitable employment.

Adaptability (max 10 points)

Your spouse or partner’s language level‘yes’ if your spouse has achieved the minimum standard; ’no’ otherwise5
Your spouse or partner’s past studies in Canada‘yes’ if your spouse completed at least 2 years of full-time study; ’no’ otherwise5
Your spouse or common-law partner’s past work in Canada‘yes’ if your partner did at least 1 year of full-time work in Canada; ’no’ otherwise5
Your past studies in Canada‘yes’ if you have completed at least 2 academic years of full-time study; ’no’ otherwise5
Your past work in Canada‘yes’ if you did at least 1 year of full-time work in Canada; ’no’ otherwise10
You have arranged employment in Canada‘yes’ if you have arranged employment in Canada; ’no’ otherwise5
Relatives in Canada‘yes’ if you, your spouse or common-law partner have a qualifying relative; ’no’ otherwise5

The Starter Code

cd to your 1633 directory (or wherever you keep your files for this course), then clone the starter code repository from /library/students/comp1633/a2.git using the following command:

$ git clone /library/students/comp1633/a2.git

This will create a directory called a2 in your current directory. cd into a2 and configure your assignment dropbox using the git-asg-config command as described in lab 2 . Select option 2 to configure for assignment 2.

Inside this directory you will find the following structure:

$ tree
├── applicant.cpp
├── applicant.h
├── data
│   ├── input
│   │   ├── dataset-100.txt
│   │   ├── dataset-10.txt
│   │   └── full-dataset.txt
│   └── output
│       └── qualified_applicants-10.txt
├── main.cpp
├── makefile
├── python_solution
│   ├──
│   └──
├── score.cpp
├── score.h
└── testing
    ├── makefile
    └── test_a2.cpp

As with assignment 1, the header files are populated, but the .cpp files are mostly empty.


The applicant.h file contains the definition of the Applicant structure. This structure is used to store the data for each applicant. The structure is defined as follows:

struct Applicant {
    char first_name[BUFSIZE];
    char last_name[BUFSIZE];
    int age;
    char marital_status[BUFSIZE];
    int language[4];
    bool all_2;
    char education[BUFSIZE];
    int work_experience;
    bool arranged_employment;
    bool adaptability[6];
    bool adaptability_you_work;

    int score;

Again, depending on your instructor from COMP 1701, this may be similar to the provided Python Applicant class, or you may have used lists of lists.

Two functions are declared in applicant.h:

void read(std::istream &in, Applicant &a);
void write(const Applicant &a, std::ostream &out);

These functions should be implemented in applicant.cpp in order to read and write Applicant objects. Note that the data type for in and out is std::istream and std::ostream respectively - this is the generic type for a C++ input/output stream, which can be either a file or std::cin/std::cout.

The read and write functions should read/write a single Applicant, regardless of how many records are in the given stream. This means that the read/write functions need to be called repeatedly in order to read/write multiple records.

read tips

The trickiest part about reading the data is dealing with the different data types and whitespace in the input file. Here are some tips to help you get started:

write tips

This one’s more straightforward, and should just involve some out << ... statements along with some formatting. You can either include the newline here, or write it separately when you call it.

The syntax to write to a specific field width is out << setw(n) where n is the width of the field. Combine this with out << left or out << right to left- or right-align the text within the field.


The score.h file contains the declaration of the score function, which takes an Applicant object and returns an int updates the score field of the applicant object according to the criteria described above . score should be implemented in score.cpp.

You’re welcome to implement any other helper functions you need in score.cpp to help with the scoring process, but only functions that are called from outside score.cpp should be declared in score.h.


The main.cpp file contains the main function, of course. main should handle the following:

You may implement helper functions for the above tasks, but main.cpp should not implement the functionality that belongs in applicant.cpp or score.cpp.

Testing and development tips

Test early, test often! Do not try to write the entire program at once - start with each piece and test as you go.

As with labs and the previous assignment, the starter code includes a test program that you can use to test some of the functionality. To run the tests, cd into the testing directory and run make. This will compile the test suite, at which point it can be run with ./test_a2.

Tip: The test code tests the read, write, and score functions. To test just one at a time, define a function stub for the other functions so that the test code compiles. For example, if you want to test read, you can define a stub for score in score.cpp that simply returns a constant.

Incremental development

A portion of the marks for this assignment is for “evidence of incremental development”. This means I am looking for several meaningful commits to your git repository rather than just adding your solution all in one go. This is ultimately a good habit to get into! I recommend committing your changes whenever you:

You may add, commit, and push your code as many times as you like up until the assignment deadline. I will only mark the final version, but I will look at your commit history to see how you developed your solution.

Marking scheme

This assignment is worth 8% of your final grade and roughly divided as:

Refer to the style guide for a reference on style and documentation. If you use external resources such as Stack Overflow, ChatGPT, or a friend in the class, make sure to cite them in your comments. Failure to cite external resources will be considered plagiarism. An example of a citation is as follows:

// ChatGPT helped me with this function
void foo(int bar) {
    // ...

If your solution uses std::string, vectors, or other data structures or techniques not covered in class, you will receive a reduced grade, possibly as low as 0. If you have previous experience, try to challenge yourself to solve this problem using only the basics.

In addition, there will be an automatic 20% deduction if your code fails to compile or run. If the problem is extreme and I cannot fix it with a small change, a grade of 0 may be assigned. Make sure your code compiles and runs on INS with the given makefile before submitting.

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Next: Assignment 3: Linked List Leaderboard